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OutWorlders, Inc. Regular Meeting Minutes for 2021/01/17
Attendees: Bryan Faris (Treasurer), Andy Shavers (Secretary), Robert Allen (Vice President), Christian Hain (President), Robert Marshall, Ken Fernandez, Leah Frey
(11:07am) - Called to Order
Reading and Approval of Minutes
December minutes approved.
Officer Reports
- President: Delivered Mask and Hoodies w/ Robert A and Robert M, Logo Tee for Leah has been ordered. TikTok and Snapchat account made for OutWorlders. Hosted Virtual Game night.
- Vice-President: Assisted President and Robert M to deliver merchandise.
- Treasurer: 11 memberships as of January 17th.
- Secretary: No Reports.
- Events Coordinator: Vacant. Duties performed by Vice-President. Discussed Among Us game night and OutReaders book club. The next book club is February 20 for The Vines by Christopher Rice. Game night will be Just One on February 6th and Happy Hour will be on February 9th.
- Public Relations Coordinator: Vacant. Duties performed by Vice-President. Social media posts for merch and for sponsoring members.
- Internet Coordinator: Vacant.
- Historian: Vacant.
Committee and SIG Reports
- Bylaws Committee: No updates.
- Out@theMovies SIG: Suspended.
- OutReaders SIG: Met January 16th to discuss A Close and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers.
Unfinished Business
- 501(c)3 Registration: No updates.
- Merchandise: On hold.
- Game Library: Opening donations to the game library.
- Game Donations: Game donation to be made, as long as they’re used for conventions (OutWorlders), etc. More information to be received by Bryan.
New Business
- OutWriters SIG: Contact Wendy to see if they are still interested.
- Game Donations: Game donation to be made, as long as they’re used for conventions (OutWorlders), etc. More information to be received by Bryan.
- 2021-02-A. Budget Proposal: 2021 Budget introduced.
(12:11pm) - Adjourned.
Submitted by Andy Shavers
Updated by Christian Hain