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Atlanta OutWorlders Business Meeting Minutes for 2019/07/21

Attendees: Eric M, Isaijah K, Robert M, Christian H, Travis W, Robert A, Leah F, Bryan F

11:05 - Called to order

The voiding of one proposal voted on last meeting was discussed; there was a change made at the time of the vote, which is against the bylaws, so proposal 2019-05-A was deemed null and void

Officer Reports

President - procured and donated new name tags with gender pronoun section; designed mockups of customized gendered stickers; provided logo for badge ribbon order; told Inspiritus we couldn't be of help

Vice-President - emailed members to alert them to upcoming vote; ordered samples of new t-shirt designs; spoke with Darie about non-profit status process

Treasurer - reports Venmo, PayPal, and Square all functioning for digital donations; prepared budget forecast, which shows a small surplus for the year if our efforts at the bucket brigade at Pride bring in the expected numbers

Internet Coordinator (position vacant, duties performed by Christian) - added Instagram feed to the website; integrated PayPal into the website; reports is bringing the most traffic to site, so we should continue using it

Events Coordinator (position vacant, duties performed by Christian and Travis) - confirmed game night/pool party at Paul's for August; Travis confirms he will pick up pizzas, Easter, and sodas for Game On! and that Morehouse will have a table there; confirmed Ken will head up grilling at Picnic, so long as there will be assistance/shifts at the grill; Candace donates 2 passes to OutlantaCon 2020 as grand prize; recommends site visit to Axis Replay; use of the space would be free if we used our own equipment, or regular price if we used their equipment; recommends adding budget items for paper products, cutlery, and cups for 2020

Public Relations Coordinator - added event pages and graphics on the website and ran promotions for upcoming events on FB, Insta, and Twitter; sent details for Summer Picnic to Project Q,, and AJC Calendar


June Movie Night - held 6/22 at Robert and Jack's house; potluck dinner was held and movie watched was Spirited Away; next movie night to be held 7/27 at Paul's, showing Tron Legacy and Spice World

July Game Night - held 7/6 at Metropolitan Library; 53 attendees, 11 newcomers; WerewolfATL was set up in a side room to host Werewolf, with games of up to 16 participants; 1 button exchanged for a $3 donation; next game night to be at Paul's house on 7/3

Unfinished Business

Vote on June Proposals - quorum was met; all proposals passed

Non-profit Status - Christian to form a committee to make changes to the bylaws to register as 501(c)(3); will prepare an overarching proposal for all changes (rather than vote on each one)

DragonCon Planning - planned a lunch meetup on Saturday at noon, possibly at Fandangles, unless another venue presents itself

T-Shirt Designs for 2019 - Christian brought sample designs for both a generic black OutWorlders shirt and Level Up! design on purple; coat will be $30 each; expect to order before Dames and Dregs

Correspondence Updates

Inspiritus - being as it is a religious organization, we doubt think it's a good fit for us; matter closed

Morehouse - expected to join us at Game On! Pride Event

Axis Replay - discussions still in progress; need to schedule a site visit

Dames and Dregs Planning - Outreach Committee will meet after regular business meeting for further planning

Game On! Pride Event - Travis plans to purchase pizzas from Little Caesars (and one vegan option from Mellow Mushroom); he will leave at 5:30 PM to pick them up; Robert M and Eric M offer to be there to hold down the fort while he's gone

New Business

Pronoun Name Badge Stickers - Travis presents mockups of possible designs with our logo and pronouns printed on the sticker; there was a discussion about the colors to use for the border, and whether they should be traditional gendered colors, to avoid confusion

Summer Picnic Planning - to be held 7/25 at McKoy Park; Ken will grill if he gets help, allowing him to play some games/relax; voting app and paper ballots will be available

2019 Pride Planning - need a full rotation of volunteers to man the bucket brigade; also need to design/order new yard signs

Open Floor

Bracelets for Dames and Dregs - need to locate the bracelets in stock; Robert will check with Ken

12:22 - Adjourned