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Atlanta OutWorlders Business Meeting Minutes for 2018/10/21
Attendees: Ken, Bil, Travis W, Robert, Leah, Jamar, Vader, Christian, Travis M
11:04 AM - Called to order
Officer Reports:
- Treasurer's Report: safety deposit check for use of East Lake Commons commonhouse still held by them; donations received from Pride event and October Game Night reported
- Internet Coordinator's Report: ran out first paid Facebook ad for the Pride space, $20, ran for 3 days; gained 15 new members to the FB group; recommended we run ads for November Game Night and for the Fall Picnic
Old Business:
- Pride Recap: the tent was a good space, plenty of tables; shirts were a success (all sold, helped to identify us for Pride-goers); for bucket brigade, we should try to show up 15 minutes early to get a good placement (entrances to the park, etc); possibly ask to hold bucket brigade *at* the AOW tent; for greeters at the tent, we should develop a good elevator script/pitch, so that we are communicating effectively/efficiently; need to budget for more signs with new logo and updated jokes; need to have the games we advertise *in* the tent
- September Movie Night Recap: 5 people in attendance; Horror was chosen as the genre for October; Vader won minigame so had choice of October's movies; had trouble with one DVD, skipped terribly, so we found out that as long as it's in the FCPL collection of movies, we can bring our own DVD as backup
- October Game Night Recap: 50 people in attendance; many wore costumes; one new sponsoring membership; had A/C problems, so we need to make doubly sure the libraries are prepped for our events
- Budget Wishlist for 2019: items included were Facebook ads; new wristbands with new logo/URL; prizes for winners of Vibranium Chef competitions; office supplies; marketing supplies; door/raffle prizes, such as tickets to events
New Business:
- Selection of Vice President Pro Temp: president nominated Christian, approved by treasurer and secretary; he will serve for one month, until formal a formal election can be held, at the November Business Meeting; Christian and Vader nominated for permanent position; Vader declined the nomination; secretary to send out email to all sponsoring members announcing vote for VP to be held at the November Business Meeting
- Election Coordinator: coordinator for normal December elections to be chosen at the October meeting; Robert is nominated and seconded; he accepts the position; coordinator to send out email to all sponsoring members requesting nominations for November Business Meeting; coordinator to send out email to all sponsoring members announcing vote for all positions to be held at the December Business Meeting
- Public Relations Appointment: one member may be interested in the position, but they are not yet a sponsoring member for 2018
- October/November Event Needs:
- October Movie Night: to be held at Ponce Library; president has kit for Vader
- November Game Night: to be held at Heritage Center in Sandy Springs; host (Bryan) says there are some difficult parking instructions; will need to follow up
- Fall Picnic: voting to be held at 12:30 PM; Travis bringing ice; Ken bringing food (burgers, hot dogs, condiments, vegetarian options, etc); plates/napkins/plastic wear already in stock; Christian to run the voting; request Candace donate a 2019 membership for OutlantaCon as first prize of competition
- 2018 Milestones: please see wiki
Open Floor for Topics:
- Christian reports we now own the .org domain for our website and recommends we move to using as our main URL permanently
- Should we begin collecting money at events, as a price at the door? agreed that First Saturday should remain free (homeowners object to charging a fee to enter their house), but perhaps we could add larger events to collect donations at
- Vader asks if we can expand to collaborate with other groups, such as Lips Down on Dixie or Wussy Mag; Candace would be good contact for the former
- Electronic payment options: Jamar volunteers to spearhead sign-up and management.
12:36 PM - Adjourned