Date and Time: 2/17/24, 2pm
Location: Zoom
Book: American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Discussion Leader: DeVon Green
Attendees: Robert Allen, DeVon Green, Amber Roberts, Amber Whitehead, Will Gordon, Becca
Sullivan, Ed Stewart, Trevon Taylor, Darren ??, Travis McCullough
What we liked about this book: The various interludes of the novel that detailed how the gods
arrived in America and how they maintained themselves were really our favorite parts of the
book, it seems.
What we didn’t like: Shadow, the main character, was a flat “shadow” of a character.
Verdict: 8 thumbs up, 2 thumbs sideways
Next Book Nominations:
Robert Allen - Station 11 by Emily St John Mendel (333 pgs)
DeVon Green - Hero by Perry Moore (428 pgs)
Amber Whitehead - The Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett (496 pgs)
Ed Stewart - Starfish by Peter Watts (384 pgs)