7/17/21 2-4 pm
Kirkwood Library
The Obelisk Gate and The Stone Sky by NK Jemisin (2 books)
Robert Allen was the coordinator. 4 people attended: Robert, Bil, Ed, and DeVon
We went over these items:
- We are back in person finally!
- Now that we are in person again, do we want to change anything about the book club? Time, place, date, format? The consensus was no.
- Next meeting is August 21. We are reading Kindred by Octavia Butler.
Book Discussion Recap
What we liked: Pretty much everything! It’s a great series.
What we disliked: We didn’t really have any dislikes, but here are some slight criticisms: 1) Some people disliked the introduction of magic and “the silver” to the story. It was reminiscent of The Force from Star Wars. 2) One part was too fantastical: traveling literally through the earth. 3) Killing off all of the significant male characters. Why did the author do this? 4) The Earth being alive and being the main villain. vehimals.
Verdict: Thumbs up!
September Book Nominations
- The Plotters by Un-Su Kim - Bil
- Once and Future by A.R. Capetta, Cory McCarthy - Robert
- The First 15 Lives of Harry August by Claire North - DeVon