10/17/20 2-4 pm
Zoom meeting
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
Robert Allen was the coordinator. Leah was the discussion leader. Six people attended. Bil, Brad, Leah, Robert, Ed, Wendy
We went over these items
- The next meeting is Nov. 21. We will discuss Obscura by Joe Hart.
Book discussion recap
Leah says that for a young adult, it's the kind of book that holds a place in your heart. A lot of that is because the main character doesn't know what she's doing and she’s looking for a place to belong. Familiar territory for a teenager.
Why does the main character so willingly accept being kidnapped? We discussed the "kelar" (magic) as a reason, her desire for adventure, the way she was treated respectfully by her captors, and possibly just lazy writing.
The story is simply written and an easy read. Some people appreciated that compared to some of our previous books.
Problems with the book: the main character is a white savior, some plot elements are too easy explained away as magic, and a lack of destiny/free will because of the magic.
The book fulfills a fantasy adventure, but there is no big message. It’s not trying to tell you anything. Just a young girl’s wish-fulfillment story.
The YA genre: It’s a challenge for an adult to write for an adolescent. Some do well, others don’t.
Verdict: Mostly positive
December Book Nominations (winner in boldface)
House of Leaves by Mark Denielewski - Robert
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin - Leah and Robert
Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff - Ed
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers - Brad