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OutWorlders, Inc. Regular Meeting Minutes for 2022-11-20

Attendees: Bryan Faris (Treasurer), Robert Allen (Vice President), Christian Hain (President), Brandon Welch (Events Coordinator), Robert Marshall (Elections Coordinator)

11:07 AM - Called to Order

Reading and Approval of Minutes

October Minutes Approved, five in favor, none opposed.

Special Orders

Special Orders have been postponed to occur after announcements

2023 Officer Nominations are as follows:

  • Treasurer: Bryan Faris
  • Secretary: Christian Hain
  • Vice-President: Leah Frey
  • President: Robert Allen


Robert Allen received a thank-you email from My Sister’s Room and asked us to come back for another happy hour.

Officer Reports

  • President: Nothing to report.
  • Vice-President: Hosted Happy Hour at My Sister’s Room. Brought new games to game night, need to add them to library.
  • Treasurer: One new member, still in a net-positive position for the year. Need to update email address for Truist.
  • Secretary: Vacant. No report.
  • Events Coordinator: Vacant, Duties performed by Vice-President. Out@theMovies met October 28 to watch Black Adam. OutReaders met to read the Last Unicorn, one new person. Happy Hour was at My Sister’s Room; venue was great, large indoor and outdoor setting, roughly 16-18 people, but could have been 19, Robert Allen mentions this was our largest turnout, six new people from meetup, other men were hanging out at the bar that weren’t from OutWorlders, showed up right as they were opening- needed to wait for a short while, no parking, mouse notes it’s one of the most Marta accessible locations, 50 beer taps, and food; Out@theMovies will meet to watch Black Panther: Wakanda Forever at Midtown Art Cinema. Discussed December and January events.
  • Public Relations Coordinator: Decrease in month-to-month metrics, did not spend advertising money this months, numbers are better compared to the month prior when we did not purchase ads; Twitter decrease may be attributed to headlines involving Elon Musk’s purchase; Brandon posted photos on Meetup page.
  • Internet Coordinator: Vacant, no report.
  • Historian: Vacant, no report.

Committee and SIG Reports

  • Bylaws Committee: No update.
  • Out@theMovies SIG: Cancelled previous event.
  • OutReaders SIG: Discussed The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle; four people attended; mostly positive verdict.

Unfinished Business

  • 501(c)3 Registration: No update.

New Business


Open Floor




11:49 PM - Adjourned.

Officer nominations are closed

Submitted by Christian Hain, November 20, 2022