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OutWorlders, Inc. Regular Meeting Minutes for 2022-10-16

11:03 AM - Called to Order

Attendees: Robert Allen (Vice-President), Bryan Farris (Treasurer), Brandon Welch (PR Coordinator), Kay Johnson.

Reading and Approval of the Minutes

September 2022 Minutes Approved. (one absentee vote, four live votes).

Special Orders

Agenda has been modified to discuss New Business, the floor is yeilded to Kay Johnson.

New Business

Feedback Kay Johnson shares feedback about her recent experience at OutWorlders' Book Club, being misgendered, subtle racist remarks, and concerns over anti-trans/TERF material that was added to the reading list. Notes that leadership is silent on trans issues, going to OutWorlders events feels no different than any cis-hetero event. Also suggests that groups dedicate times for introductions and feedback. Floor opened for discussion. Robert Allen asks for follow-up discussion with himself, Kay, and Christian. Kay would like to have that discussion. Discussion continues to talk about how information on is not available on, how to be an ally, trans discriminination, appreciation for the feedback, and next steps. Robert Allen will reach out to Christian and DeVon.


  1. Pride sent an email thanking OutWorders for their participation in Pride and provided opportunity for feedback. Bryan suggests responding to express gratitude.
  2. Reviewed correspondence with My Sister's Room initiated by Robert Allen. My Sister's Room is available to host Happy Hour in November but notes that they open at 8:00 PM ET and we'd have to adjust our start time. Will review later in the meeting.

Officer Reports

  • President (absent): Reviewed submitted report.
  • Vice President: Received more submissions for the Game Library and nine sets of polyhedral dice. Discussion about how dice aren't really a game and may not fit with the Game Library, perhaps sell them or give them away as prizes. Brandon mentions Ugly Sweater Contest comming up. Bryan Farris offers to buy a set.
  • Treasurer: No Bucket Brigade at pride this year which means there was no finanical support from Pride this year. We paid for advertising, Bryan asks for any other expenses that needs to be reimbursed. Financial statements need to be update to reflect membership resignation last month. Bryan asks for the cost/benifit-value of the tent to be recorded as a quid-pro-quo item. Robet Marshall notes that OutWorlders is also providing a service by hosting their gaming event.
  • Secretary: No Report.
  • Events Coordinator: September movie night cancelled, Vesper was a digital-only release. October Game Night was at Robert Marshall's house. OutReaders met to read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein. Happy Our was held October 12 at My Parents' Basement; venue was loud, lots of children, no gathering place; not a good place for Happy Hour; Pride did not appear to draw many people. October Movie Night might move due to proximity of Halloween. November Happy Hour will be at My Sister's Room; discussed a Friday Happy Hour; discussed concerns about gay men invading lesbian space, Robert Allen already discussed with My Sister's Room and got their blessing; discussed a collaboration event with Bi+ Georgia; Happy Hour will be Wednesay, November 9th at 8:00 PM at My Sister's Room. OutReaders book club is Saturday, November 19th at 2:00 PM; the selected book is currently The Men, but is subject to change at DeVon's discretion. Reviewed December's events.
  • Internet Coordinator: No discussion.
  • Public Relations Coordinator: Increase in Facebook Group membership. Increased reach due to Pride Advertising. Increase in Instagram followers and reach, again due to Pride Advertising. Slight increase in Twitter followers. Discussed potential November posts, discussed how many potential posts are actually posted and what the intention of this topic is; should we focus on "important" topics? Discussed advertising results and demographics; determined the ad was a success.
  • Historian: No discussion.

SIG and Committee Reports

  • OutReaders: Discussed The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein; mostly positive reviews

Unfinished Business

  • 501(c)3 Registration: No updates
  • 2022 Pride: Recapped load-in and setup, an extra person is needed during load-in/load-out. Volunteer schedule needs an extra person scheduled for load-in and load-out (number of cars + 1 person). Recapped tent setup, "elevator pitches," game storage, not having bucket brigade, and picking up games on Monday. Discussed feedback: fun event, happy to be back, happy to see people play obscure games that don't get much play, should get games that are more "familiar" (Sorry, Jenga, Chess, etc.)

Open Floor

No topics.


Confirmed Robert Marshall as Election Coordinator this year. Current nominations are:

  • Robert Allen, President
  • Christian Hain, Secretary
  • Bryan Faris, Treasurer

12:19 PM - Adjournment

Submitted by Christian Hain, 2022-10-17. Source: Zoom Recording