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Outworlders, Inc. Regular Meeting Minutes for 2022/03/20
Attendees: Christian Hain (President), Bryan Faris (Treasurer), Robert Allen (Vice-President), Andy (Secretary), Mouse.
11:03 am - Called to Order
Reading and Approval of Minutes
February's minutes were approved (5/0).
Correspondence reached out to verify their listing. Robert Allen told them "no changes."
Officer Reports
- President: Hosted game night and happy hour; Updated MailChimp mailing list with 2022 Sponsoring Members; Posted budget proposal on the wiki.
- Vice-President: 16 games in the Game Library need an ID number added; need library cards for new expansion games; 194 games/expansions in the library; 12 games in shrinkwrap.
- Treasurer: 3 new members at the time of the meeting, a total of 15 members.
- Secretary: No Report.
- Events Coordinator: Vacant, duties performed by Vice-President. February’s movie night was Red Notice, with four attendees; March’s game night was held virtually due to COVID-19 Omicron, 14 attendees; March’s Happy Hour was held at Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room & Ping Pong Emporium, with 11 attendees; March’s book club met virtually to discuss Wild Seed by Octavia Butler, six attendees; RPG club did not meet due to COVID-19; April game night to be held at Robert Marshall’s; April happy hour will be held on Wednesday the 20th at Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room & Ping Pong Emporium.
- Public Relations Coordinator: No report.
- Internet Coordinator: Vacant, No report.
- Historian: Vacant. No report.
Committee and SIG Reports
- Bylaws Committee: No updates.
- Out@theMovies SIG: No written report.
- OutReaders SIG: Six attendees met via Zoom to discuss Wild Seed by Octavia Butler, unanamous thumbs-up.
- RPG Group: Not a formal SIG, no written report.
Unfinished Business
- RPG SIG: No updates
- 2022 Vision: Robert Allen mentioned looking into Discord as a way to grow, Andy is familiar with the platform. Also mentioned Twitter.
- Fundraising Ideas: Still interested in exploring. No ideas at the moment.
New Business
- 2022 Atlanta Pride: Reviewed application dates. Bryan will follow up with Pride applications, and Christian will look into finding a contact.
Open Floor
- In-Person Game Nights: Are we still doing virtual events? Yes, Book Club voted and decided that they are interested in staying virtual. Mouse is happy to continue hosting barring any new outbreaks. Andy looked into some virtual events but will hold off until those are needed. Robert Allen would like to find other hosts to spread out across the city, Fulton County libraries are still saying “no” to evening events, could try DeKalb libraries, but they may charge. Christian notes that we’ll need to start taking fundraising seriously if we want to be able to afford public venues, many places charge by the hour. Robert Allen mentioned Jason’s Deli and Manuels Tavern.
Adjourned at 11:54 am
Submitted by Christian Hain, 2022-04-16