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Outworlders, Inc. Regular Meeting Minutes for 2022/01/16
Attendees: Christian Hain (President), Robert Allen (Vice-President), Bryan Faris (Treasurer), Robert Marshall (Elections Coordinator)
11:07 am - Called to Order
Reading and Approval of Minutes
December minutes approved.
Nothing to report.
Officer Reports
- President: No Report.
- Vice-President: No Report.
- Treasurer: Only one member at the time of the meeting; presented 2022 Budget, not enough eligible members to vote; IRS application is in progress; 2021 year-end finances had a $10.36 surplus.
- Secretary: No Report.
- Events Coordinator: Vacant, duties performed by Vice-President. December movie night canceled due to Christmas; January game night moved to second Saturday due to New Year’s Day, held virtually due to COVID-19 Omicron variant, Robert Marshall hosted Jackbox, 16 attendees including four first-timers, four attendees found out via Meetup; January happy hour canceled due to COVID-19 Omicron; January book club met on January 15; RPG club did not meet due to COVID-19 Omicron.
- Public Relations Coordinator: Five new members on Facebook, four new followers on Instagram, and one less follower on Twitter.
- Internet Coordinator: Vacant, duties performed by President; updated SSL certificates, updated URL endpoints.
- Elections Coordinator: Elections are being held, Robert Marshall received votes.
- Historian: Vacant. No report.
Special Orders
Brandon Welch was nominated PR Coordinator by President. Vice-President and Treasurer approve. Branding Welch appointed PR Coordinator.
Committee and SIG Reports
- Bylaws Committee: We will meet next weekend to review the status.
- Out@theMovies SIG: No written report.
- OutReaders SIG: No written report.
- RPG Group: Not a formal SIG, met for Session 0/introductions; decided Thursday-Friday was the best day to meet; five interested Dungeon Masters including Jamar and Austin; four potential hosts; using discord to coordinate.
Unfinished Business
- Merchandise: Matter closed.
- No updates, matter closed and will be discussed during Officer reports.
New Business
2022 Vision: Briefly introduced the topic, but not enough members in attendance to really discuss it in detail. Those present are in favor of taking on less new initiatives for 2022 and focusing on strengthening existing programs.
Adjourned at 11:58 am
Submitted by Christian Hain, 2022-02-20