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OutWorlders, Inc. Regular Meeting Minutes for 2021/10/17

Attendees: Bryan (Treasurer), Andy (Secretary), Robert A (Vice-President), Christian (Presidnet), Brandon (PR Coordinator), Robert M, Jamar, Austin

11:04 AM - Called to Order

Reading and Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes not approved: need to correct title of book read in OutReaders SIG report



Officer Reports

  • President: Created Meetup group
  • Vice-President: Game library at about 195 Games. Added a few more into circulation, still have about 12 to process.
  • Treasurer: Currently in a break even condition for the year, no new memberships.
  • Secretary: No report
  • Events Coordinator: Movie night, four attendees. New movie and location TBD. Happy hour, nine attendees at Joystick Bar. Game Night, 38 attendees, at Mouse’s house. Book Club, Seven Attendees (one new) for Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots, DeVon to take over as coordinator.
  • Public Relations Coordinator: Eight new Facebook members, six new Instagram followers, three new Twitter followers.
  • Internet Coordinator: Vacant, updated SSL Certificates
  • Historian: Vacant, no report.

Special Orders

Mouse appointed as Elections Coordinator.

Committee and SIG Reports

  • Bylaws Committee: No update.
  • Out@theMovies SIG: No written report.
  • OutReaders SIG: Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots, mixed reception. DeVon to take over as coordinator.

Unfinished Business

  • Drinkware: On Hold
  • In-Person Operations, Cons, and Pride 2021: No update.
  • Created a group with 6-month trial offer.
  • Dungeons & Dinner: Mouse attended, reports that it was fun but notes that Axis Replay will put the event on hold and will be doing virtual events for a while. Topic closed.

New Business

  • RPG SIG: Austin and Jamar suggest starting an RPG group, notes a wide interest in OutWorlders community. Discusses twice-monthly meetings outside of game night vs monthly meetings. Two-shot campaigns suggested as a starting point. Christian has 5E D&D books available to donate. Jamar has D&D Beyond slots available. Jamar will create a poll to guage interest.



Open Floor

Andy suggests having a tutorial for specific games and game nights. Suggests starting with Sherif of Knottingham.

12:24 PM - Adjourned

Submitted by Christian Hain, November 20, 2021