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Minutes for 1/15/2017

Attendees: Richard, Robert Marshall, Bil Boozer, Travis, Danny, Leah, Ken

11:06 - Came to order

11:08 - Bil reports 9 sponsoring members for 2017; corporate renewal due soon ($100); website renewal due soon ($50)

11:10 - Appointed members discussed in last meeting made official; Danny Herreras is Events Coordinator; Travis Woodman, Jenzo, and Brad Kviten for Website committee

11:15 - Danny wants to create form for new members, step up recruiting efforts

11:18 - Old business: none

11:18 - New business: new logos, update of website; Travis designed some new logos and brought them to the meeting; none could be agreed on; several suggestions made to Travis on changes to be made; he will take the suggestions into consideration; Jenzo previously offered to redesign website, create app; setting a deadline for the update/redesign is discussed but not settled on

11:38 - 1/20 is movie night at Bil's; weekend of 1/28-1/29 is ChattaCon

11:43 - Locations for game nights have been secured through June

11:45 - Danny suggests we co-sponsor the DragonCon Spectrum Party; also is looking to contact MomoCon

11:50 - Spring Picnic is discussed; the day is decided to be 4/22; location still undecided; Danny volunteers to investigate possibles; scheduled for 11am to 4pm, arrive 10am for setup; Bil gets to choose the secret ingredient, has not yet

12:00 - Meeting adjourned