OutWorlders, Inc.
August 2015
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, August 16, 2015, at approx. 11:00 am at Robert’s studio. Bil, Ken, Kevin, Jamie, and Richard were present. The Treasurer called the meeting to order.
Special Interest Groups Reports
Readers Group
Reader’s Group had 3 attendees at the Aug. 8 meeting, which is 200% more than last time. We had a good discussion about Death By Silver. Jamie will create and post on Facebook a poll for the selection of the next book. The group’s next meeting Oct. 4, 2015 at 2PM because the meeting will be on the day after October Game Night. Tentatively, the group plans to meet at Jamie’s condo again.
No report.
Old Business
Report of Pride Banner Committee – Robert will post on Facebook for group members to contribute ideas. We are working with a designer. We plan to place an order in early September. We are budgeting $400 for banner and other Pride booth-related accoutrements.
August Game Night was at Kevin’s and was very well attended. August Breakfast Salon at Amelie’s had six attendees, and everyone enjoyed a good discussion.
Fall Picnic clarification – picnic will take place on September 26th at the Commons.
New Business
No Game Night in September due to DragonCon. There will not be an Outworlders Room Party this year. There will be an Outworlders meet-up at Fandangles on Sunday at 8PM. Participants will be responsible for their own tab. Robert will create a Facebook event for the meet-up.
Robert and Jack will host October Game Night.
The meeting adjourned at 11:46 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jamie P. Woodard, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.