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OutWorlders, Inc.

April 2015

Note: Two undated pieces of paper were found with meeting notes on them. As of April 2019, it is presumed that these Minutes are for April 2015. A lot of the notes talk about May events, and Pride was held October 9—11 in 2015

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held (presumably) on Sunday, April 19, 2015, at 11:05 am at (presumably) Robert’s studio. Bil, Ken, Robert, Richard, and Kevin were present.

Officer Reports

No report for President, Vice President, or Secretary. Treasurer reports there is no cost for the picnic.

No report for Internet Coordinator, Historian, or PR Coordinator. Events Coordinator reports good attendance for the picnic. There is note that says "Robert carrots," not sure if that means Robert's carrot dish won, or if Robert won and chose carrots as the next ingredient. Game Night was well attended (20—25 people), the Saturday Salon had 6 people, and Friday Night Feature had 7 people.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group

No Report.


No report.

Old Business

Renaissance Festival is May 30th.

New Business

Kevin will host May game night. A host is needed for June.

Pride is October 9—11. There will be gaming in the pavilion, OutWorlders will have signs and will be selling bracelets.

TimeGate is May 22—25.

OutlantaCon is May 8—10.

Dragon Con is 3rd week of September 20 [sic]

July movie thing [sic]

The meeting adjourned at 11:47 p.m.