OutWorlders, Inc.
June 2014
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, April 15, 2014, at approx. 11:00 am at Robert’s studio. Ken, Bil, Richard, Robert, Eric, Bryan, and Jamie were present. The president called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
No report.
Vice President’s Report
No report.
Secretary’s Report
No report.
Treasurer’s Report
We did not pay for advertising at TimeGate or Outlantacon.
Special Interest Groups Reports
Readers Group
The first meeting of the Reader’s Group will take place on June 28th at Jamie’s Condo. The book is The Steel Remains by Richard K. Morgan.
No report.
Old Business
We have registered for two (2) tents at Pride, which will take place on October 11th-12th. We will have games going and will sell wristbands, just like last year. We will also be looking for volunteers to participate in the “Bucket Brigadge” to raise additional funds for Outworlders and Pride. We will have sign-up sheets for the Bucket Brigade a month prior to the Pride festival.
Two people attended the Friday Night Feature in May. The group watched Moon and Apollo 18.
New Business
Eric is going to explore revamping the website, specifically including the “About Us” page.
We have decided to combine the Anniversary Party with July Game Night, which will take place at Paul’s.
The Outworlder’s DragonCon party will take place on August 31st at the Hyatt again this year. We will need volunteers to help with setup/breakdown, and we will also need volunteers to check IDs at the door.
Robert will host October Game Night. Jamie will host November Game Night.
The meeting adjourned at 12:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jamie P. Woodard, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.