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OutWorlders, Inc.

September 2013

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, September 18, 2013, at 11:08 am at Robert’s studio. Bil, Robert, Ken, Jamie, and Vandy Beth were present. The treasurer called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

No report.

Vice President’s Report

Not assigned.

Secretary’s Report

No report.

Treasurer’s Report

We brought in $143 in tips at the Dragon Con party. Our current balance is around $1,000.00.

Events Coordinator’s Report

The party was a good one.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

The wristbands are in. If we sell them for $1 each at Pride, we’ll make 55 cents on each. Ken, Jamie, and Vandy Beth will do the setup. We will need additional volunteers.

Internet Coordinator’s Report

Still there.

Historian’s Report

Not assigned.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group



Old Business

Dragon Con went well. We cannot vote on the bylaws amendment yet, because it wasn’t officially announced to the Yahoo! Group, which the bylaws still require.

New Business

The Fall Picnic will be November 9th, a Saturday, from 10:30 am to 3 pm in Glenlake Park. Ken will get the main food; otherwise potluck as usual, with the Iron Chef competition.

Hallowe’en: We’ll ask Paul Mitchell if we can have that party at his house on the 26th or 27th of October. Second choice will be the Rush Center, with third choice Robert and Jack’s house.

The meeting adjourned at 11:43 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.

A proposal
To amend the Bylaws of OutWorlders, Inc.

RESOLVED THAT Section 3 (Membership) of the Bylaws of OutWorlders, Inc. be amended to delete and replace the following sentence:

A general member shall be anyone who subscribes to one of the organization’s mailing lists.

with the following sentence:

A general member shall be anyone who subscribes to the organization’s mailing list (, who joins the Atlanta Outworlders Facebook group, or who attends an official or affiliated OutWorlders event.

AND THAT Section 3 (Membership) of the Bylaws of OutWorlders, Inc. be amended to delete the following paragraph:

An announcements-only mailing list shall be created for sponsoring members of the organization. The President and the Secretary shall be owners of the list; ownership shall be transferred in accordance with election results by the end of December of each calendar year.

AND THAT Section 4 (Meetings) of the Bylaws of OutWorlders, Inc. be amended to delete and replace the following text:

(including the announcement list)

with the following text:

(including the Facebook group page)

Wm S Boozer
August 18, 2013