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OutWorlders, Inc. 

March 2012

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, March 18, 2012, at 11:01 am at Robert’s studio. Ken, Jeffrey Mitchell (new), Bil, Robert, Cassie, Vandy Beth, and J.D. were present. The president called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

The Yahoo! Announcements list will be shut down at the end of this month.

Vice President’s Report

J.D. has some ideas for the website.

Secretary’s Report

No report.

Treasurer’s Report

We spent $119.40 in the last month to renew the website hosting fees.

Our current balance is somewhere close to $3000.00.

Events Coordinator’s Report

Game Night was good. Dr Who was last night. Friday Night Feature will be this coming Friday, and Leprechaun and The Keep will be screened.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

Not assigned.

Internet Coordinator’s Report

The calendar form is now linked to the real website, so updates to the calendar form will go live immediately.

Historian’s Report

Position not assigned.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group

On hiatus.

Old Business

The 5th Saturday event will be on the 31st. The Rush Center isn’t available that day, but we can use Robert’s studio for it. We can have a “trivia corner” where only trivia games are played; a Carcassonne tournament, and maybe one strategy game to be played all day. The event will start at 1 p.m. and run until whenever. We’ll have snacks and drinks.

New Business

The picnic may be the second Saturday in April (the weekend after Easter). The secret ingredient is coffee. We can return to Glenlake Park and play Frisbee golf, bocce, croquet, and board games.

The 5th Saturday event: maybe we could talk local conventions into giving away memberships as prizes.

It’s probably too late to ask for donations at the door to be given to a charity.

Mondohomo wants us to do a presentation of some sort at their event in late May. According to J.D., they are a “radical fairies” event, not geeky at all. Robert suggested we could play a live-action version of a game such as Pandemic.

The Trek Trax convention is April 20-22. We should do something such as a room party.

May Game Night is Cinco de Mayo.

Georgia Renaissance Festival begins April 14th. We should organize an outing to that.

The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.