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OutWorlders, Inc.

November 2011

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, November 20, 2011, at 11:00 am at Robert’s studio. Robert, Paolo, J.D., Cassie, Vandy Beth, Bil, and Scott Bobo were present. The president called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

It’s been a good month. The Hallowe’en Party and the fall picnic were both awesome.

Vice President’s Report

Not present.

Secretary’s Report

Glenlake Park is a great location for picnics, and we should remember it in future.

Treasurer’s Report

We spent $87.86 this month, on the parties. There were no other expenditures. We have one new sponsoring member: J.D. Harvill.

Events Coordinator’s Report

Not present.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

Not assigned.

Internet Coordinator’s Report

We went over our storage limit last month. Robert set the affected email boxes to “forward and delete” so email won’t pile up in them. Storage is back down to 50% of capacity now.

Elections Coordinator

We have three nominees for president: Alan, Ken, and Paolo. We have two nominees for vice-president: J.D. and Ken. We have one nominee for secretary: Vandy Beth. We have one nominee for treasurer: Bil.

Historian’s Report

Not present. J.D. took pictures at the picnic and posted them to his flickr stream and other places.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group



Game Night went well. We played a version of Werewolf at the Hallowe’en party.

Old Business

No old business this month.

New Business

Our annual Holiday Party will be the 10th of December. We’ll do it at the Rush Center, if it’s available, J.D.’s, Robert and Jack’s, or Robert’s studio if not.

Elections are in December.

We will not have a party at Chattacon 2012. Not enough of us are going.

The meeting adjourned at 11:43 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.