OutWorlders, Inc.
October 2011
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, October 16, 2011, at 11:00 am at Atlanta Robert’s studio. Ken, Scott Bobo, Robert, Bil, Vandy Beth, and Cassie were present. The president called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
No report.
Vice President’s Report
No report.
Secretary’s Report
No report.
Treasurer’s Report
We made $220 at the Pride table and $298 from our donation bucket volunteers this year.
Events Coordinator’s Report
Friday Night Feature will be on October 21.
Doctor Who night will be Saturday, October 22.
We will have an outing to see The Three Musketeers on Sunday, October 23.
An outing to Netherworld Haunted House will be Tuesday, October 25.
The Hallowe’en party will be on Saturday, October 29, either at the Rush Center or at Robert and Jack’s house (TBD). There will be prizes for the best costumes, and a variation on “Werewolf” invented by Ken will be played.
The Fall picnic will be Saturday, November 12. Location TBD.
November Game Night will be at David’s house.
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
We will use Facebook more.
Internet Coordinator’s Report
Historian’s Report
No report.
Special Interest Groups Reports
Readers Group
On hiatus.
Game Night at Ken and Bil’s went well.
Old Business
Pride went well. The gaming table was a great idea, and we should do that every year.
New Business
Nominations for elected office for 2012 are officially open. They will close at the end of the November meeting.
Robert volunteered to serve as Elections Coordinator.
The meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.