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OutWorlders, Inc.

August 2011

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, August 21, 2011, at 11:25 am at Robert’s studio. Bil, Robert, Cassie, and Vandy Beth were present. The president called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

Game Night went well.

Vice President’s Report

Not present.

Secretary’s Report

Fright Night went well.

Treasurer’s Report

There has been no financial activity since July. One person has promised to mail dues to Bil, but hasn’t yet. The bartender at Dragon*Con will also work the table in exchange for a membership.

Events Coordinator’s Report

The Dragon*Con party may have one of these themes: Captain America, the Apocalypse, vampires, or it may be themeless.

For Pride, we need 7 to 10 people to work the buckets.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

Not assigned. We need a new trifold brochure. Vandy Beth and Bil will work on this.

Internet Coordinator’s Report

Robert is still working on the new calendar interface for the website.

Historian’s Report

Not present.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group

On hiatus.


Game Night went well.

Old Business

The website needs updating.

The trifold brochure needs updating.

We need a postcard-sized glossy promotional card, 5” by 7”. Bil will make this.

New Business

We will talk to Ken about a date for the Fall party/picnic.

Bil and Cassie need to go to the bank together to update the signatures on file.

We’re pretty much ready for Dragon*Con.

Vandy Beth will set up a movie-watching special interest group. It will be similar to the Readers group, in that people will watch a movie (with LGBT and/or science fiction/fantasy content) on their own and then get together to discuss it.

The meeting adjourned at 12:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.