OutWorlders, Inc.
June 2011
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, June 19, 2011, at 11:30 am at Atlanta Diner. Vandy Beth, Cassie, Justin, Bil, Ken, and Robert were present. The president called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
Game Night at Justin’s was fun and a success. The anniversary pool party, less so. It was called on account of rain and low attendance. We want to get people more involved.
Vice President’s Report
We’re still looking for a PR person, and we need a new Historian as well.
Secretary’s Report
No report.
Treasurer’s Report
We raised $23 in tips at the Outlantacon party. Bil has a receipt from Angela for $30.71 for the OutlantaCon party in the Con suite; it has not yet been paid. The anniversary pool party did not happen. The next events that will require outlays of funds are the Dragon*Con party and the fall picnic.
Events Coordinator’s Report
The pool party was canceled after 30 minutes due to rain and low attendance. We are considering establishing Buffy the Vampire Slayer nights and horror movie nights.
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
Position not assigned.
Internet Coordinator’s Report
The Internets are good. Robert didn’t pull status reports for this month.
Historian’s Report
We need a new historian. History continues to happen regardless.
Special Interest Groups Reports
Readers Group
On hiatus.
Writers Group
On hiatus.
Game Night is still a big, successful event month to month. We need other gaming events.
Old Business
Reasons the pool party was a failure:
- No one RSVPed, either yes or no.
- The party was promoted on Facebook, which few Outworlders use to stay involved.
- Involvement tends to be cyclical.
The awarding of fan tables for Dragon*Con is TBA.
The TimeGate table and party did not happen. No one signed up to staff the table, and no one showed up to staff it. The party failed for similar reasons.
To encourage participation in the “bucket brigade” at Pride, we discussed the possibility of a “prize table” from which participants could pick. This idea was rejected as inappropriate, since the buckets are meant to be for charitable giving.
We may enact the prize table concept for participation in running the Outworlders booth at Pride.
New Business
We would like to have new regular events, especially during the middle of the week. Gaming gatherings at coffee shops, for example.
The time and location of the business meetings will change. Beginning with the July meeting, the regular time and place will be 11 a.m. at Robert’s studio.
We may do a fundraiser with CHRIS Kids in August.
Ken suggested we do more movie outings.
Vandy Beth will start a new movie watching special-interest group, modeled on the writers’ and readers’ groups. People will watch a genre- or LGBT-themed movie separately (or together), then gather to discuss it. She will propose this to the Yahoo! Groups.
A regular horror-movie watching event will also begin soon. Ken and Bil will host. Bil will set this up.
The meeting adjourned at 12:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.