OutWorlders, Inc.
January 2011
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, January 16, 2011, at 11:30 am at Atlanta Diner. Cassie, Vandy Beth Glenn, Edward DeGruy, Kris Harter, Angela Blackwell, Gerald Blackwell, Robert Marshall, Wm S. Boozer, LizBeth Dison, and Ken Fernandez were present. President DeGruy called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
“I’m re-elected!” There was no Dr Who Night or Highlander/Red Dwarf Night in December. We don’t yet have an Events Coordinator.
Vice-President’s Report
The Vice-President is glad Edward is here.
Secretary’s Report
The Vandy Beth Glenn reported that the new Vice-President is sexy.
Treasurer’s Report
We have $4415.93. Bil is waiting for the receipts from expenditures for the Holiday Party held last month; once he has those he can close the books on 2010. Other upcoming expenses are renewing our incorporation, paying for a table at Pride, and buying ads for the TimeGate and Outlantacon/Gaylaxicon program books.
Events Coordinator’s Report
Not yet assigned. Mike Henigan offered, but he is not a sponsoring member.
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
Not yet assigned, although LizBeth Dison has offered to return.
Internet Coordinator’s Report
Robert Marshall was re-appointed Internet Coordinator. He had no report.
Historian’s Report
Ken Fernandez was re-appointed Historian. He had no report.
Special Interest Groups Reports
Readers Group
On hiatus.
Writers Group
On hiatus.
Game Night at Robert’s studio went well. Bryan Faris will host the February Game Night in Sandy Springs.
Old Business
The 2011 budget was approved as presented.
Chattacon party is next weekend, Saturday, January 22nd, at the Chattanooga Choo-Choo from 8 pm to 1 am.
New Business
We don’t know the dates for Atlanta Pride yet. We will get an additional table/tent space at Pride this year and enclose it for people to play games and hang out. We will also arrange to have electricity in this space.
Dragon*Con requires fan tables to be staffed at all times. This has habitually been difficult for us. We may want to explore paying for the membership of people who will then promise to staff the table for us. Perhaps simply having a published schedule with assigned staffing times will help.
The Spring Picnic will be on April 9th of this year, back at the Chattahoochee Rec Center, from 10 am to 3 pm.
The Anniversary Party will be in June, possibly June 18th.
LizBeth is working on our trifold brochure.
The meeting adjourned at 12:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.