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OutWorlders, Inc.

June 2010

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, June 20, 2010, at 11:34 am at Atlanta Diner. Cassie Gaul, Vandy Beth Glenn, Wm S. Boozer, Ken Fernandez, Edward DeGruy, Robert Marshall, Lizbeth Dison, and Michael Green were present. President DeGruy called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report


Vice President’s Report


Secretary’s Report


Treasurer’s Report

We have $3,195.75. Bil received money from a new sponsoring membership at Outlantacon, and this will be reflected on next month’s report.

Events Coordinator’s Report

There have been many events over the past month. The TimeGate coffee-klatch thing had low turnout. This may have been because many people thought it was to be on Sunday instead of Saturday. Game Night at David and Amanda’s was successful, and well-attended. The first Highlander/Red Dwarf night drew 8 people.

The anniversary party has been delayed into July due to some difficulty reserving the space.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

The anniversary party will be on July 18th, and we may need a new venue. Suggested alternatives included the Rush Center and Chattahoochee Nature Center. Lizbeth will discuss these ideas with Kris Harter.

Lizbeth is still working on the Web-based members questionnaire

Internet Coordinator’s Report

The Internet still exists, even though the Internet Coordinator’s house caught fire.

Historian’s Report

There continues to be history.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group

On hiatus.

Writers Group

Unofficially on hiatus.


June Game Night went well. Robert will use his studio for the previously-scheduled July Game Nights at Robert and Jack’s house.

Old Business

The Bylaws Committee meeting will meet today immediately after the Business Meeting. Vice-President Green will chair this committee.

Jeff Smith sent an absentee vote by email prior to last month’s meeting, which was not received in time by the secretary. It would have changed the outcome of the vote on the amendment to Section 5 of the Bylaws. There was no clear consensus on how to prevent something like this from happening in the future. The Bylaws committee will discuss this.

The Outworlders table at TimeGate went well.

New Business

Robert and Jack’s house burned, and will be unlivable for the next several months. We all agreed this was unfortunate.

Bil will submit a proposal (online) to amend how we receive and adopt the budget each year.

Lizbeth asked Bil if she can turn in copies of receipts for reimbursement. Bil needs the originals.

We still don’t know if we’ll be able to have a fan table at Dragon*Con, but at this point it is looking unlikely. Since this is the case, we discussed whether it would be a good idea to get an OutWorlders ad in the Dragon*Con program book. It’s probably not the right audience for such an ad, since so many Dragon*Con attendees come from out of town. It would also be very expensive.

The Rainbow Flag party at Dragon*Con will be sponsored this year by Outlantacon and the British Media Track.

The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta OutWorlders.