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OutWorlders, Inc.

January 2009

The regular business meeting of Atlanta OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 18 January, 2009, at 2 p.m. at Atlanta Diner. Edward DeGruy, Laura Downs, Vandy Beth Glenn, Jeff Smith, and Dave Churvis were present. Dan Benge sent his regrets. President Degruy called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

The four elected officers met last Sunday (the 11th) and made nominations for the appointed officers: Dan Benge for Public Relations, Ken Fernandez for Historian, Robert Marshall for Internet Coordinator, and Alan Siler for Events Coordinator.

The Super Bowl party will be held February 1st at Alan, Jeff, and Mike’s house, and will be hosted by Alan and Kris Harter.

Many members would like to do more movie outings this year.

Vice-President’s Report

Vice-President Benge communicated through Secretary Glenn that he had nothing to report.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary had nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report

We have $2,826.02. There are currently 15 sponsoring members. This is about half the expected number.

Events Coordinator’s Report

“I’m still looking for assistance in organizing the movie outings for the coming year. So far no one has responded to my call. I was hoping that at least the person who suggested us doing one per month (and even put together a proposed schedule for the whole year) would jump in and offer to help, but no. It’s something I won’t really be able to do as I work nearly every weekend. It’s a great chance for someone who wants to be involved in Outworlders events to step up and take over an area.

There will be a Super Bowl party at our house again this year. Super Bowl day is Feb. 1st. We will supply burgers (plus condiments) and onion rings. Anything else needs to be brought. Kris H. probably has some additional things planned.

While standing in the grocery store line Friday afternoon, I realized just how much money per month I spend on hosting events. I host two monthly events, and I spend between $30 and $40 on each one. That’s $80 per month. And that’s just on food. So I’m either going to have to cut back on the events I host or stop supplying food for them. I’ll probably end up ditching Trek night, because as long as I’m hosting an event, I’ll end up overspending on food (I always worry there won’t be enough for everyone who shows up and I always try to have a decent spread to get the night started). Much as I enjoy Trek night, I simply have to rein in my spending. If someone wants to take over Trek night, I’d be happy for it to live on.

The February Doctor Who night is in the middle of the weekend that I’ll be gone to LA for a Doctor Who convention. I will probably reschedule it to Saturday the 28th (there’s nothing else scheduled for that night).”

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report


Internet Coordinator’s Report


Historian’s Report


Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers’ Group

The Readers’ Group did not meet in the previous month.

Writers’ Group

The Writers’ Group did not meet in the previous month.

Strategy Gaming

This month’s Strategy Gaming was held at Chris Lund’s house. Turnout was high, and Chris provided copious amounts of delicious food.

New Business


Old Business

We discussed ideas for public places to meet, as opposed to members’ homes.

The Public Relations position remains open.

Dragon*Con has not been contacted about our fan table.

We will put out flyers about our group at AWA.

Furry WA invited us to put out flyers at their event.

We will have a presence at OutlantaCon and TimeGate this year. TimeGate will be May 22-24th. Both cons will also have a presence at FantaSciCon in Chattanooga, March 20-22nd.

Possibly we’ll do something for LibertyCon in July or MoMoCon at Georgia Tech, March 14-15th.

There are no plans to be involved with SciFiSummer Con.

There was a lively debate about whether Frolicon is a genre convention.

Jeff reported that there is nothing up on the Atlanta Pride website yet about tables. Dave claimed inside knowledge of the Pride organization, and shared his suspicion that there will be no Pride this year.

The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.