OutWorlders, Inc.
September 2008
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 21 September 2008, at 2:00PM at Atlanta Diner. Edward Degruy, Kris Harter, Jeff Smith, Dan Benge, Bil Boozer, and Aimee Love were present. President Degruy called the meeting to order.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
- The slogan for the OutWorlder’s party at Dragon*Con, “The Party You’ve Waited For All Year” was very good.
- Next year, we will only promote the party at the Fan Table and will not hang up any flyers. People know about the party and will come by the table to get information and the room number.
Vice President’s Report
- Nothing to Report
Secretary’s Report
- Next month we need to think about making proposals for a Christmas Party, New Years Party and decide if we would like to throw a party at Chattacon.
Treasurer’s Report
- We have $2785.57
- At Dragon*Con, we brought in $236.00 from the OutWorlder’s party and $21.00 in donations. One T-shirt was sold and there were 3 new sponsoring members.
Events Coordinator’s Report
- Not present
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
- Not present
Internet Coordinator’s Report
- Not Present
Historian’s Report
- Not present
Special Interest Groups Reports
Reader’s Group
The Reader’s Group met Sunday, 14 September, to discuss Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan. Set in the future where digitized copies of individuals can be transferred from body to body (at a price), the story is a detective-noir thriller with copious amounts of sex, drugs, and graphic violence. We recommend it. Next month, we meet on 12 October to discuss Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale.
Writer’s Group
The Writer’s Group’s hiatus ends this month as we are meeting on 28 October at Amanda Wiggin’s house to discuss the Group’s future.
Strategy Gaming
This month’s strategy gaming at JD’s house was successful. Aimee offered her home for October’s strategy gaming.
New Business
- The proposal that the OutWorlders allot $75 to purchase decorations in a luau/tiki theme for 2009 parties passed.
- Elections for next year’s officers are coming up soon, the President will ask Robert if he will be Election Coordinator.
- Kris Harter made the following proposal: I propose that the OutWorlder’s purchase a 5 gallon drink dispenser for use at parties. Jeff, Robert and Michael each have a dispenser. Michael used his in the guest hospitality suite this year.
- If anyone has ideas for a new OutWorlder’s T-shirt design, your input would be appreciated. Is there any interest from members of the OutWorlder’s to purchase a T-shirt if there is a new design?
- Kris Harter discussed the amount the OutWorlder’s spend on parties per year (approximately $425.00 if we have the following parties: Chattacon, Frolicon, Dragon*Con, Halloween, December Holiday and New Year) plus the amount for the table at Pride. Sponsoring members are not paying for these. This is a good answer to questions from people about why there is not more food. The Outworlders need to try to get more sponsoring members or there may be problems with the tax exempt status the OutWorlders currently have which states a certain percentage of the group’s income must come from members.
- The possibility of using Yahoo polls for voting was discussed. This would require a vote to change the by-laws.
- The question was raised, should we have a party at Chattacon? Chattacon is the 23-25 of January, 2009.
Old Business
- The table at Dragon*Con ran well, however, we should advertise the OutWorlder’s not just the party.
- Next year, Outlantacon will have it’s own separate table from the OutWorlders.
- After the party, the tips should be given to the party coordinator to count. The coordinator may then deposit the cash and write a check to the Treasurer. This may be reviewed before any parties coming up to see if this is the best way to handle the situation.
- We need to look into improving and/or simplifying the recipe for the party punch we use at parties.
- The Outworlders set aside $125.00 for 2 parties at Dragon*Con. The Treasurer will receive $50.00 back from Outlantacon for the sponsorship of the Rainbow Flag Party.
The meeting adjourned at 3:04PM
Respectfully submitted by Chris Hensley, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.