OutWorlders, Inc.
July, 2008
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 20 July 2008, at 2:00PM at Atlanta Diner. Michael Green, Dan Benge, Vandy Beth Glenn, Alan Siler, Jeff Smith, Robert Marshall, Scott Bobo, Ken Fernandez, Kris Harter, Ed Degruy and Chris Hensley were present. The meeting was called to order by President Degruy.
Officer Reports
President's Report
Nothing to Report
Vice President's Report
Nothing to report
Secretary's Report
Outwrite Bookstore has an area will they allow groups to place flyers.
Treasurer's Report
- We have $2527.75
- We received $211.55 from PRIDE sales and donations
- We received $346.00 from Bucket collection
- There is a $50 set aside for expenses for the historian
- There is $100 set aside for expenses for PR/flyers
- The treasurer is wondering if we should check on web-site hosting that might be less expensive.
Events Coordinator's Report
- The event coordinator will focus on adding movies to the event reports. President Degruy said he would get a list together of movies that we may want to put on the event reports.
- Game night will be held at Brent's house next month and will also be a pool party.
- The Anniversary Party and game night were a little too much to be combined on one day
- Star Trek Night will be cancelled or rescheduled this month
- We need to schedule a fall picnic
- Hyperdrive will be playing at Dragon*Con on Thursday night
Public Relations Coordinator's Report
- We are still working on new ways to get the OutWorlders name out. Stage Door is willing to discuss using their space
Internet Coordinator's Report
- Internet activity was similar too previous months
Historian's Report
- Nothing to report
Special Interest Groups Reports
Readers Group
The readers group met on 13 July to discuss The Dust of Wonderland by Thomas Lee. Generally, we enjoyed the book. In particular, we liked that the author used the somewhat tired New Orleans setting in new and intriguing ways. We enjoyed the characterizations, and we liked that it wasn't another horror book about vampires. Next month, our read is The Last of the Wine by Mary Renault.
Writer's Group
The writer's group is still on hiatus.
Strategy gaming
Shannon & Shaunnen (sp?) held strategy gaming on July 19
New Business
Outlanta.con will be a one-day con in November and then will expand in May to a 2 or 3-day convention. Please see or
Chris Hensley will be coordinating the Dragon*Con OutWorlders party. We discussed having non alcoholic options and offering some kind of glowing glasses as a fund-raiser.
Chris Hensley will also be coordinating the fan table, if you would like to volunteer some time to man the fan table, please let Chris know.
Old Business
PRIDE was very comfortable inside the Civic Center because of the Air Conditioning
We received 10 pages of sign ups
The meeting adjourned at 2:59 PM
Respectfully submitted by Chris Hensley, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.