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OutWorlders, Inc.
June, 2008
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 15 June 2008, at 2:00PM at Atlanta Diner. Ed Degruy, Kris Harter, Dan Benge, Chris Hensley, Bil Boozer and Jeff Smith were present. The meeting was called to order by President Degruy.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
- Nothing to Report
Vice President’s Report
- Game Night is at Roberts in July
Secretary’s Report
- 3 people attended the Indy 4 outing at the Movie Tavern including new member Pala.
Treasurer’s Report
- We have $2138.14
Events Coordinator’s Report
- There is a new play starting at Dad’s Garage
- GSU Cinefest is upcoming
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
- Nothing to report
Internet Coordinator’s Report
- Nothing to report
Historian’s Report
- Nothing to report
Special Interest Groups Reports
- Strategy gaming will be held at Brent’s
- OutWorld Readers
- The reader’s group met Sunday, 8 June 2008 to discuss On Azrael’s Wings by D. Jordan Redhawk. None of the group enjoyed the book enough to read more than half of it. There was some lesbian erotica, which wavered from titillating to silly, but we couldn’t find a plot or dimensional characters. Our next meeting is set for Sunday, 13 July, 2008 where we’ll discuss The Dust of Wonderland by Thomas Lee.
New Business
- Chris Hensley will coordinate the OutWorlders party at Dragon*Con
- Chris will send out an email in advance asking for liquor donations
- Kris H., Bil, Ed and Robert offered assistance
Old Business
- The proposal that Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta be disbanded as a special interest group of OutWorlders, Inc. passed.
- The bracelets are in and we will charge $1 for them at the Pride table
- We have been placed inside the Civic Center in the Indoor Marketplace #P38
- Summer bbq will be held at Robert’s house on July 5, 2008 at 5 pm before game night.
The meeting adjourned at 2:50PM
Respectfully submitted by Chris Hensley, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.