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OutWorlders, Inc. 

May, 2008

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 18 May 2008, at 2:00PM at Atlanta Diner. Kris Harter, Ken Fernandez, Robert Marshall, Bil Boozer, Vandy Beth Glenn, Amanda Wiggins and Chris Hensley were present. The meeting was called to order by President Degruy.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

  • We went to a lot of movies and really enjoyed them.
  • Chris Lund says that his contacts cannot beat the price for the pride item

Vice President’s Report

  • Not present

Secretary’s Report

  • Nothing to report

Treasurer’s Report

  • We have $2506.06
  • RE: bracelets, the website of the place we bought from before has changed but it looks to be the same company. We paid 440.00 for 1000 bracelets and got free shipping, that’s 44 cents each. Now the prices have changed so we can get 500 for 44 cents each or 1000 for 26 cents each. So we can get 1000 for $260 or 500 for $220. The total may vary a little depending on the exact options selected but this should be close. I recommend we get 1000 again at this time, they say 14 days lead time but I think we need to get going on this to make sure we have them before Pride.
  • This site has a lot more to offer now, but I think we need to do the bracelets now and we’ll look at other things in the future when we don’t need to rush so much.

Events Coordinator’s Report

  • Not present

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

  • Not present

Internet Coordinator’s Report

  • Hits are up a little

Historian’s Report

  • Nothing to report

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers group

The reader’s group met earlier today, 18 May, 2008 at 12pm. The book discussed was As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann. Everyone enjoyed this historical novel set in 1640s Britain. The protagonist was well drawn and the plot, although it did slow down in parts, was interesting and involving. We recommend it.

The book for June is On Azrael’s Wings by D. Jordan Redhawk.

Writer’s group

The writer’s group is currently on hiatus due to no recent contributions.

New Business

  • Wm S Boozer made the following proposal: I move that Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta be disbanded as a special interest group of OutWorlders, Inc.
  • President Degruy made a request for a Con-chair for the new gay themed Sci-fi convention to be held later in the year
  • Chris Hensley made a request that OutWorlders try to find new ways of getting our name out there. Several members offered to obtain further information and present it to the group.

Old Business

  • A vote was taken on the proposal to spend $50 on a party for Timegate, the vote passed unanimously.
  • A vote was taken on the proposal to spend $75 on an ad in the Timegate program book, the vote passed unanimously.
  • A vote was taken on the proposal to raise the amount to $250 for an item to sell at pride, the vote passed unanimously.
  • We would like members to submit ideas about how to identify ourselves at movie nights and other outings for persons who may be new to the group. We will check with Michael about T-shirts.
  • The Timegate table will be coordinated by Ed Degruy, Kris Harter and Chris Hensley
  • No information is available from Pride yet.

The meeting adjourned at 2:51 PM