OutWorlders, Inc.
March 2008
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 16 March 2008, at 2:00 pm. at Atlanta Diner. Ed Degruy, Kris Harter, Carlton Harrington, Robert Marshall, Dan Benge, Russell Broomfield and Chris Hensley were present. The meeting was called to order by President Degruy.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
- Nothing to report
Vice President’s Report
- Nothing to report
Secretary’s Report
- Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
- Not present
Events Coordinator’s Report
- The “Superhero” movie outing is March 30, Carlton will coordinate, it will be at the showing closest to 2pm.
- Dr Who night was awesome, the turnout was pretty great. I counted 29 people at one point, which makes it one of the highest attended ones ever (the record is 34 at the show’s 40th Anniversary party in 2003). I had a terrific time and am grateful to everyone who showed up.
- The picnic is March 29 (Saturday). I will do the shopping, but I need a couple of folks to help set up, cook, etc. The ingredient for the Iron Chef competition is Mango. Everyone come to the picnic and bring a friend!
- I will be out of town for the April Doctor Who night, so I’d like to find a surrogate host.
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
- Response to the request for member feedback has been lackluster. Dan suggested Carlton use Surveymonkey to assist him with obtaining more feedback.
Internet Coordinator’s Report
- Internet traffic was 35.2MB for March. Previous months traffic was 30.8MB for December, 07; 99MB for January, 08; and 92.5MB for February, 08.
- For March, 08, there were 194 “calendar” hits, 53 “about” hits, 44 “gallery” hits, 39 “game night” hits, 32 “SIG” hits and 30 “Who” hits.
Historian’s Report
- The historian is currently accumulating photos and requesting SOVO articles from last year.
Special Interest Groups Reports
OutWorld Writers (Bil)
Last month, we met at Ken’s to discuss Wm’s story and to talk about the future of the writer’s group. Wm suggested the group’s interacting more electronically; however, the members agreed to continue with monthly face-to-face meetings. Our March meeting will be 30 March (instead of the usual fourth Sunday), and it will be at Amanda’s house.
OutWorld Readers (Bil)
We met this month to discuss Born on a Blue Day bu Daniel Tammet. Tammet is a British autistic savant, and this was his autobiography. We found it interesting even as we saw how his condition (Asperger’s Syndrome) led to a methodical, terse writing style. Next month, we’re discussing Death’s Master by Tanit Lee.
Strategy Gaming
Met on 15 March.
New Business
A proposal was made for $100 for Outworlders branded item to sell at pride.
The Pride committee has not provided much information about Pride preparation. We are looking into T-shirts, refreshments for people manning the pride booth, and a Pride social or picnic. Is there anyone who will volunteer to coordinate?
The DragonCon table has been confirmed and there is a suite reserved for the party.
A New convention is in the works. A GLBT Sci-Fi convention that will be one day, November 15, 2008. There is hope for a full convention on Columbus Day weekend 2009. Scott Tatum will be Con Chair. Table space at Pride was requested to provide information about the convention this year.
Old Business
“Hellboy 2” is July 11
We are still checking to see about a table at Timgate.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00p.m.