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OutWorlders, Inc.
November 2007
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 18 November 2007, at 2:00 p.m. at Atlanta Diner. Jeff Smith, Chris Hensley, Kris Harter, Alan Siler, Ed Degruy, Michael Green, Dan Benge and Carlton Harrington were present. The meeting was called to order by President Degruy.
Officer Reports
President’s Report
- Nothing new to report
Vice President’s Report
- Nothing new to report
Secretary’s Report
- Nothing new to report.
Treasurer’s Report
- Submitted the budget report for 2007 and the new budget for 2008
Events Coordinator’s Report
“It’s the Holiday Season”
- Patrick and Russell will be hosting a Thanksgiving Day dinner.
- Stargate Atlanta has invited Outworlders to a Thanksgiving dinner on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.
- On December 2nd there will be an outing to the Atlanta Center for Pupperty Arts
- On December 9th Bowling for PALS
- On December 14th, Outworlders’ Holiday party hosted by Carlton - On December 15th, Stargate Holiday party
- On December 22nd, Carlton is hosting a Holiday brunch
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
- Nothing to report
Internet Coordinator’s Report
- Not present
Historian’s Report
- Not present
Special Interest Groups Reports
OutWorld Writers
No report
OutWorld Readers
No report
Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta
No report
The group met the day before this business meeting. The next meeting will be December 15th
New Business
- Carlton and Kris will coordinate the Chattacon room party.
- There will be volunteer gift wrapping at Barnes & Nobles. Money will be raised by tips provided by the customers wishing to have their purchases gift wrapped by the volunteers. It was suggested and agreed that any monies raise by Outworlders would go to CHRIS Rainbow house.
- Kris Harter removed herself from the running for 2008 Secretary
- Dan Benge was nominated (Alan) and seconded (Ed) for 2008 VP.
- Chris Hensley was nominated (Ed) and seconded (Michael) for 2008 Secertary
Old Business
- Proposal One: 20071101 Submitted by Kris Harter, passed (6 aye, 2 nay, 2 abstaining)
It is proposed that Outworlders spend $50 on a party for Chattacon. The money will be spent on decorations, food, and drink mixers. Nominations for 2008 Officers
The following have been nominated and seconded since the previous business meeting.
- President: Ed Degruy, Bil Boozer
- Vice President: Carlton Harrington
- Secretary: Kris Harter, JD Harvil
- Treasurer: Jeff Smith
The meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Michael Green, Secretary