OutWorlders, Inc.
March 2007
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 18 March 2007, at 2:00 p.m. at Atlanta Diner. Scott Bobo, Ed Degruy, Kris Harter, David Heinen, Robert Marshall, Jeff Smith, Shelby Smith and Amanda Whitcomb were present.
Officer Reports
Treasurer’s Report
- Jeff has renewed our corporate license.
Internet Coordinator’s Report
- No report.
Vice President’s Report
- No report
Event Coordinator’s Report
- The Spring Picnic will be at the park near Alan and Jeff’s house.
- Kris H. may be planning a Fall outing, possibly a visit to the caves on the GA/AL border.
- There will be an event on the 5th Saturday in March—bowling at Midtown Bowl.
- Dan B. is planning to do a Six Flags trip on Easter.
Public Relations Coordinator’s Report
- Kris R. has had to step down as coordinator.
- Amanda Whitcomb has been appointed.
Special Interest Groups Reports
OutWorld Writers
The writers’ group met Sunday, 25 February 2007, at Ken’s. Three members were present. Our next meeting is schedule for Sunday, 25 March 2007.
OutWorld Readers
The readers’ group met Sunday, 11 March 2007, to discuss David Gerrold’s The Man Who Folded Himself. Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 15 April 2007, at noon, where we’ll discuss Jim Grimsley’s The Ordinary.
Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta
- Scott B. emailing minutes from their meeting.
New Business
- Proposal One: That the Gaylactic Outpost SIG be dissolved due to being too cumbersome to be used at this point in the business of the Outworlders.
- Proposal Two: This amendment to the bylaws is intended to prevent a tie vote if none of the candidates steps down, as in the last election.
Amendment to By-laws to correct for tie elections.
The Bylaws currently read: on Section 6 Part A. Election
Election of officers shall occur annually at the regular business meeting of the organization in December; voting shall be by secret ballot. The following officer positions are elected positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. A candidate for an elected officer position must be a sponsoring member of the organization who was nominated for the position prior to the close of the November regular business meeting. Self-nominations are allowed; however, all nominations must be seconded. A printed proposal is not required for a nomination. Elected officers serve from 01 January to 31 December of the year following their election. Candidates are encouraged to submit to the Election Coordinator their platforms and qualifications for posting to the mailing list for sponsoring members.
The Election Coordinator shall collect all ballots for the December election. The Election Coordinator shall keep all ballots for a period of three months; ballots are to be used only in the event that the results of the election are contested. In such a case, the Election Coordinator shall make every possible effort to conceal voters’ identities while providing information required to inform consideration of the contest. Following the three-month period, all ballots will be destroyed.
It is proposed that this section be amended with:
In the case of a tie vote for any elected position is had the Election Coordinator will announce “No Election for the office.” When all other offices are announced the Election Coordinator will distribute new ballots for the unresolved offices. Voting will again take place by the voting Sponsoring members present if a minimum of 10 sponsoring members or 25% of the sponsoring membership are present at the January meeting.
If no candidate for President still has the majority vote the offices will be held by either the previously elected officer or a Sponsoring Member nominated by the majority of Sponsoring Members present at the January meeting if the previous officer is not willing. This Sponsoring member or previous officer will hold the office until the February meeting when another election will be held for the office not won by majority vote in the normal election process. This process shall be the same as the normal end of year election process except for the time frame involved. Sponsoring members will have from the close of business in the January Business meeting till midnight the night before the February business meeting to submit votes to the Election Coordinator. The same candidates will be voted upon unless in the meantime a candidate withdraws their nomination from the race. In which case remaining candidates will be voted upon or the remaining candidate will be declared winner for the year in question.
All other positions will be filled by normal procedures for vacancies as listed in Section 6 Part E. Vacancies
* Ed presented a list of questions to ask regarding how Outworlders determines whether we should have an “official presence” at cons. Appended below.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Shelby Smith, Secretary