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OutWorlders, Inc.

November 2006

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 19 November 2006, at 2:00 p.m. at Atlanta Diner. Wm S. Boozer, Dan Benge, Robert Marshall, Kris Roehling, Jeff Smith, and Shelby Smith were present.

Old Business

  • Pending Proposal

    Last month’s proposal to designate $100 to purchase food for the Holiday party on December 16th at Kris Roehling’s house was voted on. The secretary received one emailed vote of no. The proposal passed 7 votes to one at the meeting.

  • Nominations

    Kris Roehling volunteered to be the elections chair. She will send out the ballot and collect votes on candidates. There are four elected offices: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. The following nominations were made by the Nov. 19 deadline and seconded:

    President Ed DeGruy
JD Harvill
William “Bil” Boozer
    Vice-President Dan Benge
    Treasurer Jeff Smith
    Secretary Shelby Smith

    All sponsoring members can vote on these candidates. Please email Kris at with your vote by the next business meeting on December 16th, where you can also submit your vote. For questions, call Kris at [Redacted].

New Business

  • Proposal

    It was proposed that OutWorlders Inc. authorize $50 for the purpose of co-hosting a room party at the 2007 Chattacon on _date_. Monies not to be used for alcoholic beverages.

Officer Reports

Treasurer’s Report

Jeff reported that there is $1518.39 in the OutWorlders’ account. He submitted a proposed budget, with $950 income and $985 expense. The full budget is appended below.

Proposed Budget

Outworlders, Inc. FY 2007

Memberships (25 @ $10 per) $250
Pride (collected donations) $500
Donations $50
Other $150
Total $950

Event Coordinator’s Report

The Holiday Party is scheduled for December 16. It will be at Kris Roehling’s house in Lake Claire.

A New Year’s party is scheduled for December 31st at Jeff Smith’s house.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Wm reported that the Readers’ Group met on Sunday, the 12th of November with three members in attendance. The book for discussion was Strange Robby by Selina Rosen, which all disliked. While the book h ad some interesting ideas and a few twists on some old ideas, the characters were not particularly likable, some of their decisions were unbelievable, and the denouement was unsatisfactory. Next month, the group meets on December 10 to discuss Laura Underwood’s Ard Magister.

Wm also report that the Writers’ Group met on Sunday the 22nd of October, with four members in attendance. The next meeting is scheduled for November 26, where works by members Pete and Wendy will be discussed.

Gaylactic Outpost will hold its next meeting on October 18th at Robert’s house.

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Shelby Smith, Secretary