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OutWorlders, Inc.

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 18 September 2005, at 2:10 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. Sponsoring members present: Mike Allgood, Wm S Boozer, Ken Fernandez, Michael Green, William Shepard, Jeff Smith.

Officer Reports

Ken Fernandez reported that the Internet Committee had met earlier in the day.

Jeff Smith reported that the organization’s current account balance is $1718.04, but he has not yet received receipts for reimbursement for the Dragon*Con party.

Michael Green agreed to coordinate the fall picnic on Sunday, 16 October 2005, at a location to be announced.

Writers’ Group

Wm S Boozer reported that the writers’ group had successfully produced its Dragon*Con project, and copies were distributed at the fan table at Dragon*Con. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 21 September 2005.

Readers’ Group

Wm S Boozer reported that the readers’ group had met in September to discuss A Grave Talent (which was generally liked by those who read it). For October, the group will read Ammonite by Nicola Griffith.

Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta

Mike Allgood reported that the group had not met since the last business meeting and would be meeting on Thursday, 22 September 2005.

Proposals Introduced

Two proposals were introduced for consideration at the October business meeting.

Proposal 05-10-01. Funding for November Doctor Who Night.

Author: Alan Siler (presented by Jeff Smith)

Whereas, November marks the 42nd anniversary of the series, Doctor Who, and traditionally I have done something a little extra for the November event,

Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc provide $50 for additional food and supplies for the evening, including a medium sandwich tray from Publix ($15), a pumpkin spice cheesecake ($20), and supplies and an additional food item from the Sam’s freezer section.

Proposal 05-10-02. Funding for February Doctor Who Night.

Author: Alan Siler (presented by Jeff Smith)

Whereas, Doctor Who Night is OutWorlders, Inc.’s longest-running event,

And whereas the February occurrence marks the event’s 5th anniversary,

Resolved, THAT, OutWorlders, Inc. provide $70 for additional food and supplies for the evening, including $25 toward a chicken platter from Mrs. Winner’s, $25 for a large sandwich tray from Sam’s, and the remainder for supplies (plates, cups, napkins) and for additional food items from the Sam’s freezer section.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. The next business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 16 October 2005, at 2 p.m. at the location of the fall picnic.

Respectfully submitted, Wm S Boozer, Secretary