OutWorlders, Inc.
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 17 July 2005, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. Sponsoring members present: Mike Allgood, Bil Boozer, Ed deGruy, Ken Fernandez, Michael Green, Janet Guse, Kris Harter, Mike Henigan, Robert Marshall, William Shepard, Alan Siler, Jeff Smith, Amanda Wiggins.
Officer Reports
Mike Allgood reported that the anniversary party had been hosted the previous evening and there was high attendance.
Ken Fernandez reported that the Internet Committee had met earlier in the day.
Jeff Smith reported that the organization’s current account balance is $1884.89. $728.00 was earned by volunteers’ collecting money at the Atlanta Pride Celebration. Our payment for the Web site has still not cleared our bank account.
Mike Henigan said we still need for someone to volunteer to host the fall picnic (on the 1st or 2nd). (His full report is on file.)
Michael Green provided information on the current usage of the web site. (His full report is on file.) He reported that the Internet Committee had set 07 August as a tentative deadline for new mock-ups.
Writers’ Group
Bil Boozer reported that the writers’ group will meet on 20 July 2005 to finalize plans on this year’s Dragon*Con project.
Readers’ Group
Bil Boozer reported that the readers’ group had canceled its July meeting. Our plan is to spend the first part of our August meeting discussing The Persian Boy (July’s book) and then the remainder discussing our August book, The Wanderer by Cherry Wilder and Katya Reimann.
Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta
Mike Allgood reported that the s.i.g. had created a hotel committee to review and recommend a hotel to host Gaylaxicon 2007. The group also formed a public relations committee to plan advertising and publications for the convention. Guest suggestions will be solicited from the mailing list (discussion group). The next meeting is scheduled for 11 August at Jeff and Alan’s home.
Proposals for Consideration
One proposal had been introduced in June for consideration at this business meeting.
Proposal 05-07-01
Author: D. Michael Green
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc allot $75 for the purchase of food for the fall picnic.
The proposal was adopted by a vote of 12-0-1.
New Proposals for Consideration
Two proposals were introduced for consideration at the August business meeting.
Proposal 05-08-01. Donation to the CHRIS Rainbow Program.
Author: Jeff Smith
Whereas, in the past OutWorlders has used part of its fund-raising income to make donations to charity and we have not done so for quite a long time,
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc donate $200 CHRIS Rainbow Program from the funds raised at Pride by the volunteer bucket brigade.
Proposal 05-08-02. Funding for Security at Dragon*Con Party.
Author: Jeff Smith
Whereas, in the past OutWorlders has had trouble with the Hyatt Hotel and our room parties at Dragon*Con,
Resolved, THAT, in the event OutWorlders does get a suite at the Hyatt for Dragon*Con and does host a room party, OutWorlders, Inc. allocate $200 but no more than $200 to hire an off-duty police officer to work security, provide appropriate wrist bands for alcohol consumption, and any additional party supplies/favors needed; and
THAT in no event will any of this $200 be spent to purchase alcohol.
Kris Harter reported that she was donating 20 tickets to Fox’s summer programming to the CHRIS Rainbow home on behalf of OutWorlders, Inc.
Michael Green reported that the group had raised $10 from button sales at TimeGate II.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. The next business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 21 August 2005, at 2 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary