OutWorlders, Inc.
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 15 May 2005, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. Sponsoring members present: Mike Allgood, Bil Boozer, David Churvis, Ed deGruy, Michael Green, Janet Guse, Kris Harter, Mike Henigan, Kelly Hilliard, Robert Marshall, William Shepard, Jeff Smith. Also present: Adam Levenstein.
Officer Reports
Jeff Smith reported that the organization’s bank balance was $1,112.10.
Writers’ Group
Bil Boozer reported that the writers’ group would be meeting Wednesday, 18 May 2005, to discuss works by Amanda and Ken as well as works prepared for this year’s Dragon*Con project.
Readers’ Group
Bil Boozer reported that the readers’ group had met earlier in the day to discuss Sexual Generations: Star Trek, the Next Generation and Gender by Robin Roberts. Several members felt arguments in the book were exaggerated to the point of silliness, while others found it an intriguing piece of scholarship, and some agreed with both perspectives. For their 12 June meeting, the group is reading Venus Plux X by Theodore Sturgeon.
Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta
Alan Siler reported that he would be scheduling a meeting of Outpost members on Thursday, 18 March 2005. Mike Henigan reported that the Crowne Plaza Hotel at the airport had been selected as the host hotel for the Gaylaxicon 2007 bid. Mike Allgood reported that the advertising deadline for the Gaylaxicon program book was 01 June.
New Proposals
Three proposals were introduced for consideration at the June business meeting.
Proposal 05-06-01
Author: Mike Henigan
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc. increase the budget for the anniversary party to $150. [Currently, $100 has been approved for expenses related to the anniversary party.]
Proposal 05-06-02
Author: Mike Henigan
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc. allot $150.00 for the purchase of food for the fall picnic.
Proposal 05-06-03
Author: David Churvis
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc outlay $100 for Hyperdrive’s performance at TimeGate II, July 9, provided that Hyperdrive will display the OutWorlders banner during the performance in order to act as an outreach/promotional function.
Members discussed the possibility and potential effectiveness of holding a raffle at SciFi Summer Con and of conducting an auction at Dragon*Con to raise funds for the organization. Jeff Smith agreed to compile a list of potential prizes that the organization has to offer.
Members are meeting on 29 May 2005 to visit the Georgia Renaissance Festival.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary