OutWorlders, Inc.
The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 20 March 2005, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. Sponsoring members present: Mike Allgood, Bil Boozer, Dave Churvis, Ed deGruy, Ken Fernandez, Kris Harter, Mike Henigan, Kelly Hilliard, Robert Marshall, Alan Siler, Jeff Smith, Amanda Wiggins.
Officer Reports
Jeff Smith reported that the organization currently had 21 sponsoring members and that the organization’s bank balance was $1,257.35.
Mike Henigan reported on his activities involving planning for future events, such as the spring picnic and anniversary party. A question had been raised about the possibility of advertising non-OutWorlders events on the weekly event listing, and Henigan has decided only OutWorlders events or events in which OutWorlders will be officially participating (e.g., Atlanta Pride, Dragon*Con) will be advertised on the events listing.
Kris Harter expressed her desire for members to shower her with photographs they’ve taken of OutWorlders events.
Alan Siler distributed copies of a new logo he is working on and received feedback from members present.
Writers’ Group
Bil Boozer reported that the writers’ group had met 16 March to discuss works submitted by Wendy, Amanda, and Pete. Six members were in attendance at the March meeting, and four of us went out of pizza afterward. Bil, Ken, and Gilbert have volunteered to submit items for the next meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, 13 April 2005.
Readers’ Group
Bil Boozer reported that the readers’ group had met on 13 March to discuss Lost Souls (which more disliked than liked) and that it would meet again on 10 April to discuss Grunts by Mary Gentle. The group is currently considering changing the genre rotation to make horror books occur less frequently because the members have had such difficulty finding horror books that contain queer elements and that are worth reading.
Gaylactic Outpost Atlanta
Alan Siler reported that there would be a meeting of Outpost members on Thursday, 24 March 2005, at 8 p.m. chez lui.
Proposals for Consideration
The members considered Proposal 05-02-01, which had been introduced at the January meeting.
Proposal 05-02-01
Author: Mike Henigan
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc. allot $100.00 for the purchase of food items and charcoal for the Spring Picnic.
The proposal was adopted by a vote of 12-0-1. An absentee ballots from Amy Coppeans was included in the voting.
The members considered Proposal 05-02-02 which had been introduced at the January meeting.
Proposal 05-02-02
Author: Mike HeniganResolved, THAT OutWorlders, Inc. allot $100.00 for the purchase of food items and charcoal for the OutWorlders Anniversary Party.
The proposal was adopted by a vote of 12-0-1. An absentee ballot from Amy Coppeans was included in the voting.
New Proposals
No new proposals were introduced.
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. The next business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 17 April 2005, at 2 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary