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The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 19 October 2003, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The following sponsoring members were present: Bil Boozer, Ray Berg, Edward deGruy,
Kris Harter, Joy Hatcher, Alan Siler, Jeff Smith.

Officer Appointment

With the approval of the other two elected officers, President Ed deGruy appointed Alan Siler to serve as Vice President for the remainder of the term vacated by Will Gauvin. Ray Berg will take over responsibilities as acting Public Relations Coordinator.

Officers' Reports

Treasurer Joy Hatcher reported that she had paid out $80 to reimburse Ray Berg for publicity expenses at Dragon*Con.
Events Coordinator Kris Harter reported on OutWorlders participation in a number of events, including attending Netherworld and walking in the AIDSWalk. A trip to the Crypt of Terror is planned for Tuesday, 21 October (7:30 p.m.); Alan Siler and Jeff Smith are hosting a Hallowe'en party (with a live band) on 31 October; and a gaming night is scheduled for 17 November.


One proposal introduced at the September meeting was considered:

Proposal 03-10-01. "Budget Proposal for Chattacon OutWorlders party"

> THAT OutWorlders, Inc. allot $75 to purchase food and supplies for a room party at Chattacon [currently scheduled for 16-18 January 2004].
Author: Alan Siler

The proposal was adopted by a vote of 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 present. Absentee votes from
Aaron Angel, Amy Coppeans, Will Gauvin, and Scott Tatum were included in the voting.


The book discussion group's meeting for October was cancelled because only two members had had time to finish the book. The next meeting of the OutWorldReaders is Sunday, 23 November 2003, at Pete's place, and still up for discussion is Mistress of Dragons by Margaret Weis. The group has selected Ursula K. LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness for its December meeting.


The writers' group met on Wednesday, 15 October 2003. Turn-out was low. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 19 November, and it will be hosted at Bil Boozer's house because Joy Hatcher and Lynn Swetz are preparing for their move to Lithonia.

New Business

Alan Siler introduced a proposal for consideration at the November meeting:

Proposal 03-10-01. "Budget Proposal for Dr. Who Night 40th Anniversary Party"

> THAT OutWorlders, Inc. allot $50 to purchase food for the November Dr. Who Night for a 40th Anniversary party. [November's Dr. Who Night will be 22 November 2003.] Author: Alan Siler


President Ed deGruy announced that the floor was open for nominations for officers for the 2004 year.

Alan Siler nominated Ed deGruy for the position of President; the nomination was seconded.
Joy Hatcher nominated Jeff Smith for the position of Treasurer; the nomination was seconded.
Alan Siler nominated Alan Siler for the position of Vice President; the nomination was seconded.
Joy Hatcher nominated Bil Boozer for the position of Secretary; the nomation was seconded.

Nominations will be accepted until nominations are closed at the November business meeting.

Ed deGruy appointed Joy Hatcher to serve as Elections Coordinator.

The September regular business meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. The next regular business meeting will be 19 October 2003 at 2 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner.

Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary