The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 18 May 2003, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The following sponsoring members were present: Bil Boozer, Edward deGruy, Will Gauvin, Joy Hatcher, Alan Siler, Jeff Smith, Lynn Swetz, Ed Tharp.
President's Report
There was no report.
Vice-president's Report
There was no report.
Treasurer's Report
Joy Hatcher reported that the organization needed to raise $450 before Dragon*Con. The current balance is around $300. $50 had been allotted to Kris Harter for expenses related to the group's Buffy the Vampire Slayer series finale event on 02May03. Donations are to be solicited at the event via a donation bucket.
Secretary's Report
Bil Boozer reported that no new members had been added to the sponsoring members list since the previous business meeting.
Internet Coordinator's Report
There was no report.
Events Coordinator's Report
Alan Siler reported that printing the t-shirts that were being prepared for distribution at Dragon*Con would be delayed.
Historian's Report There was no report.
Public Relations Coordinator's Report
Alan Siler discussed distributing flyers advertising the organization as well as contact with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Creative Loafing.
OutWriters (writers' group)
Joy Hatcher announced there were about 31 members of the writers' group. The next meeting was scheduled for 21May03.
Proposals Considered
Two proposals had been introduced at the April business meeting for consideration at the May meeting.
03-05-01. Establishing an On-Line Billing Account
Resolved, THAT OutWorlders set up an on-line account (such as PayPal) to accept on-line donations, dues, and funds from fund-raising activities. (Author: Chris Coppeans)
The proposal was adopted by a vote of 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 present. (Absentee ballots from Chris Coppeans and Zoe King were included in the voting.)
03-05-02. Making the Book Discussion Group a Special Interest Group
Resolved, THAT the readers' group be an official special interest group, whose purpose is to discuss books that fit the focus of the OutWorlders. (Author: Chris Coppeans)
The proposal was adopted by a vote of 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 present. (Absentee ballots from Chris Coppeans and Zoe King were included in the voting.)
Alan Siler announced that a gaming section was being added to the web site.
Readers' Group
The next meeting of the readers' group was scheduled for 08June03. The book for discussion was Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Series Finale Event
Joy Hatcher identified the prizes that would be available for winners of the trivia contest to take place at the series finale event. Darren Nowell will be conducting the contest.
Atlanta Pride
Will Gauvin announced that the committee to prepare for OutWorlders participation in the end-of-June Pride celebration would be meeting the week following the business meeting.
(See Treasurer's Report)
Black Pride
As Marlina McKay has gone off to school, Bil Boozer volunteered to look into how OutWorlders might interact with the Black Pride March in September.
Sci-Fi Summer
Alan Siler announced that Sci-Fi Summer would take place at the end of the month at the Doubletree. He was scheduled to appear in a panel about local fan groups.
The May regular business meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. The next regular business meeting will be 15 June 2003 at 2 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner.
Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary