The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 17 November 2002, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The following organizational members were present: Alan Siler, Chris Coppeans, Mike Allgood, Will Gauvin, Amy Coppeans, Rachelle Udell, Marlina McKay, Joy Hatcher, Lynn Swetz, Dan Boozer, Kris Harter, Maylon Walker, JP Rhea, Edward deGruy, and Bil Boozer. The following organizational members had properly submitted absentee ballots: Kerry David Ryle, Aaron Angel, Martin Fitts, Dorjan Williams, Michael Liebmann, Scott Johnston, Mark Shewmaker, Mark A. Gravitt, Scott Tatum, Blake Sorenson, Ken Gunter, Billy Johnson, Rex Bain, and Patrick Anderson.
Treasurer’s Report
Joy Hatcher reported that she and Ed deGruy had delivered two checks to the CHRIS Rainbow home for a total of approximately $362. She reported that the organization had received $5 in donations at the recent Buffy night at Miss Q’s and $151 in donations from Kris Harter and Ed deGruy, from their cornfield-maze fund-raiser.
Secretary’s Report
Bil Boozer reported that he and Joy Hatcher had sent a letter to Mike Allgood about questions regarding his request for reimbursement for Dragon*Con party expenses. (A copy of their letter is filed separately.)
Writers’ Group
Joy Hatcher reported that the Writers’ Group would be meeting at 20 November 2002 at 7 p.m.
Public Relations Committee
JP Rhea reported that the Public Relations Committee had met on 14 November 2002 and had compiled a list of projects for 2003. (A copy of his notes from the committee meeting are filed separately.)
Incorporation Committee
Chris Coppeans reported that the Incorporation Committee had met on 30 October 2002. The committee intends to recommend incorporation of OutWorlders at the December business meeting; however, the committee will not recommend that the organization seek non-profit status. (A copy of his notes from the committee meeting are filed separately.)
Dues Proposal
The organization considered a proposal, introduced by Bil Boozer on 20 October 2002, THAT membership dues for the 2003 calendar year be set at $10. The proposal was adopted by a vote of 26-3. (14 votes were from absentee ballots). Dues for the 2003 calendar year are established at $10.
Officer Candidates for 2003
By consensus of the organization, nominations for 2003 officer positions were closed. The following candidates’ names will appear on the ballot: for president, Mike Allgood and Ed deGruy; for vice-president, Chris Coppeans and Will Gauvin; for treasurer, Joy Hatcher; for secretary, Bil Boozer. Each of the candidates made a brief presentation at the meeting.
Ed deGruy announced that Wendy Darling is looking for volunteers to help with the Storm Constantine con in Britain.
Ed deGruy reminded members of Joseph Geierman’s posting about the upcoming move of the Science Fiction/Mystery Bookstore, provide the owner raises enough funds to afford the move.
Kris Harter announced that she had donated 48 movie passes to “The Emperor’s Club” to CHRIS Rainbow Home.
Chris Coppeans suggested that the organization form a committee to discuss the web site and how it can be used more effectively by the organization.
Members discussed whether the organization should have an established presence at ChattaCon. Mike Allgood was put in charge of planning the party for the event. Person’s interested in helping with the party should contact him to plan the event and to propose a budget for it at the next business meeting. Steve Berman has offered to pay for an ad in the ChattaCon program booklet, splitting the copyspace with OutWorlders in exchange for the organization’s selling his book at the con.
Bylaws Revision
On behalf of the Bylaws Committee, Joy Hatcher moved THAT, following the officer elections in December, the proposed Bylaws revisions be adopted by OutWorlders and THAT the bylaws become effective immediately following the December regular business meeting.
Election Procedures
Bil Boozer moved THAT the provision of the current bylaws that reads “A simple majority of the votes cast must be by members in attendance at the meeting where the vote is taken” be temporarily deleted, and THAT absentee ballots shall be collected and counted, if members wish to submit them, and THAT this amendment shall be in effect with regard only to voting in the December 2002 OutWorlders officer elections.
The November regular business meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. The next regular business meeting will be 15 December 2002 at 2 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner.
Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary