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Atlanta OutWorlders Business Meeting Minutes for 2018/04/15

Attendees: Christian, Ken, Robert, Travis W, Leah, Travis M

11:03 AM - Meeting called to order

Officer Reports:

  • Treasury report (treasurer absent): approx. $1600 in the back; budget matches planned expenditures for this point in time
  • Internet coordinator's report: website had 232 visitors since last meeting; most traffic comes from Facebook

Old Business:

  • April game night recap: 34 attendees; 5 first timers; received $10 in donations and $20 in sponsoring membership fees
  • Spring picnic: Robert buying food on Friday; basics already procured, many left over from previous picnics; Ken bringing gas grill; need to send out reminders to bring sides and entries for contest; arrive at 10am to assist with setup
  • May game night: being held at East Lake Commons' commonhouse, hosted by Kevin
  • Bylaws: updated bylaws have been posted to our wiki page
  • Sponsorship sign-up: sign-up sheet printed out; asks for name and email address only; need to go back through previous sponsoring members for this year and have them sign up as well (email is needed to allow for organizational business to be conducted)

New Business:

  • Appointments: Robert appointed as Events Coordinator
  • Official outings: Kevin (absent) scheduled Outworlders Ren Fest outing for April 28th
  • Bylaws: 3 new bylaw amendments proposed by Christian; Bil (absent) proposes but does not officially submit an amendment as well
  • Reminder: Bil should investigate digital payment options
  • Facebook group guidelines: people are using the official Outworlders account to post or comment instead of using personal account; Christian is putting together a proposal for guidelines to follow in this regard
  • New wiki page: has been created to house all public official documents; he'll make a second, password protected wiki for the non-public ones
  • OutlantaCon: we will be having an official meetup in the hotel bar on Friday at 9pm

12:07 PM - Meeting adjourned