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OutWorlders, Inc.

December 2009

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, December 20, 2009, at 11:34 am at Atlanta Diner. Edward DeGruy, Kris Harter, Jeff Smith, Michael Green, Ken Fernandez, Robert Marshall, Wm S. Boozer, and Vandy Beth Glenn were present. President DeGruy called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

The Outworlders Holiday Social was great, and well-attended. The Ferengi Gift Exchange went well.

Vice President’s Report

Not present.

Secretary’s Report

No report.

Treasurer’s Report

We have $3,805.15. This sum is up-to-date and accounts for expenses for the holiday party.

Events Coordinator’s Report

Not present.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

None assigned.

Internet Coordinator’s Report

No report.

Historian’s Report

No report.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers Group

This month the Readers Group read City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare. Bil found it to be better than he expected, and he has gone on to read the sequel.

The usual hosts of the Readers Group are moving to Chicago, and a new host has not yet been found. Their departure leaves the Readers Group with a membership of three.

The group will not meet in January.

Writers Group

No meeting.


Strategy Gaming at Jeff and Michael’s house had six attendees, and continued on until 2 a.m.

Old Business

A motion to apply for membership in the Gaylactic Network was voted on. Except for President DeGruy, who voted “present,” the vote was unanimous in favor of applying for membership. Wm S. Boozer will take appropriate follow-up action.

Elections were then held, with the following results:

Vandy Beth Glenn was re-elected to the office of Secretary. She ran unopposed.

Wm S. Boozer was elected to the office of Treasurer.

Michael Green was elected to the office of Vice-President.

Edward DeGruy was re-elected to the office of President.

We continued to discuss whether the appointed position of “Con Coordinator” should be created to organize Outworlders parties at conventions. It was decided it would be better for President DeGruy just to appoint such a person on an as-needed basis.

New Business

Michael Green relayed from Convoluted, Inc., the corporate parent of Outlantacon, that they are interested to know if Outworlders wants to invest in the convention.

This is partly a tax issue, since Outworlders is a nonprofit. The minimum buy is 500 shares at a price of $500. If Outworlders became a shareholder in Convoluted, we would have to send a representative to vote on our behalf at its meetings.

Wm Boozer wants to get a look at the company’s financials.

No decision was made or proposed.

As of this meeting there was no host for January’s Game Night. Jeff Smith and Michael Green promptly volunteered their home. Penn Collins will host Strategy Gaming in January.

Edward DeGruy will host Sherlock Holmes followed by a Chinese restaurant on Christmas day.

The meeting adjourned at 12:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.