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OutWorlders, Inc.

June 2009

The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, June 21, 2009, at 11:31 am at Brook Park in Doraville. Allen Barnes, Dan Benge, Kris Harter, Edward DeGruy, Mike Henigan, Jeff Smith, Ken Fernandez, Alan Siler, Scott Bobo, and Robert Marshall were present. President DeGruy called the meeting to order.

Officer Reports

President’s Report

Nothing to report.

Vice President’s Report

Nothing to report.

Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report

We have $2,294.08.

Events Coordinator’s Report

Events coordination is finally on track. Mike Henigan usually posts the weekly email on Monday or Tuesday. A few people have joined Outworlders through Facebook.

Mike’s computer is currently broken, but will be fixed soon.

We must choose a date for the Fall picnic. A new event is monthly viewings of V at Carlton’s house.

A new Event Update form on the website, created by Mike Henigan and Robert Marshall, allows anyone to suggest a new Outworlders event. Here is the link:

Someone has suggested we go see G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (opening August 7) as a group activity. We should do something for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 15) as well.

Public Relations Coordinator’s Report

No report. No Coordinator.

Internet Coordinator’s Report

Robert Marshall created IDs and passwords for all officers to log into and edit content on the website.

The Directions page now has a standard format and directions to regular hosts’ homes are in the database.

The Calendar page is still being standardized.

Historian’s Report

Nothing to report.

Special Interest Groups Reports

Readers’ Group

The Readers Group read Mind Fuck by Manna Francis. It is a police procedural set in a world with holodeck-like technology. The group liked it.

Next month: World Without Winter by Steve Pierce.

Writers’ Group

Wendy Darling is still looking for a place for the Writers Group to meet.


Strategy Gaming for June was at Chris Lund and Jens’s home, and had eight or ten people. The food served was wonderful.

New Business

We have arranged for our tables at Dragon*Con and at Pride, which is Hallowe’en weekend this year. Edward DeGruy will manage the Dragon$Con table.

The Hallowe’en party will be on Friday, October 30.

The Thanksgiving gathering needs a host.

This year is Atlanta Outworlders’ ninth.

Eric Watts of Dragon*Con’s Trek Track has again invited us to co-host the Rainbow Flag party at Dragon*Con. It will be the only LGBT event on Dragon*Con’s entire schedule, so that’s a strong reason to do it. A reason not to is that joint events like this one are often fraught with interpersonal friction.

It was suggested that Outlantacon may be a better choice as a co-host with the Trek Track, since it needs the publicity more than we do.

We will vote on this in July, and meanwhile, Alan Siler will talk more about the party with Eric.

We still need to find a suite for the Outworlders Sunday night party at Dragon*Con. Robert Marshall will host it again.

Lizbeth Dison has offered her services as our new Public Relations Coordinator.

Old Business

No old business.

The meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vandy Beth Glenn, Secretary, Atlanta Outworlders.