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The regular business meeting of OutWorlders was held on Sunday, 12 January 2003, at 2:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The following sponsoring members were present: Ed deGruy, Joy Hatcher, Kris Harter, Lynn Swetz, Marlina McKay, Jeff Smith, Ray Blount, Amy Coppeans, Chris Coppeans, Alan Siler, Will Gauvin, Bil Boozer, Dan Boozer. Adrian Harvey was also present.

Treasurer’s Report

Joy Hatcher reported that she and the Secretary would be creating a packet for sponsoring members, special interest groups, and committees regarding requirements for requesting funding, advertising and rating events, and other requirements. There are currently 22 sponsoring members. Joy reported she was working on a fund-raising trivia event to take place in March.

Joy reported that Mike Allgood has offered to allow OutWorlders to purchase the URL for the web site; however, the details of the offer were unclear. She reported that she would be sending him $150 to pay for the website and its maintenance for July 2002 through December 2003, in accordance with the invoice he had sent to the organization.

The only recent request for funding was Alan Siler’s request for money to provide food at the second anniversary of the Dr. Who Night event.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary had no report.

Appointed Officers

With the consent of the other officers, Ed deGruy appointed Kris Harter to be Events Coordinator for 2003 and Dorjan Williams to be Historian for 2003. The positions of Internet Coordinator and Public Relations Coordinator remain unfilled.

Game Night

At the instigation of Kris Harter, the officers each agreed to host the quarterly Game Night throughout the year. Ed deGruy (and Kris) will host in February. Joy Hatcher will host in May. Bil Boozer will host in August. Will Gauvin will host in November.

Vice-President’s Report

Will Gauvin discussed three ideas for activities for the organization in the coming year: a photo rally contest, on-line chats, and a mini-con.

Writers’ Group

Joy Hatcher reported that the Writers’ Group would be requesting special-interest-group status and that members were currently planning a writing-focused retreat. The writers’ group met on Thursday, 09 January 2002, and the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 30 January 2003.


A number of proposals were introduced at the business meeting. They are listed here by title. (Please see Proposals-for-Feb.doc for the details of these proposals.)

  1. Proposal to Create Dragon*Con Committee ([Redacted])
  2. Proposal to Create Atlanta Pride Committee ([Redacted])
  3. Proposal to Adopt the Writer’s Group as an Official Special Interest Group of OutWorlders ([Redacted])
  4. Recognition of Kirk Tsouros ([Redacted])
  5. Proposal for Committee for 12 April Spring Event ([Redacted])
  6. Proposal for Spring Outing at Stone Mountain ([Redacted])
  7. Proposal for Funding for Pride ([Redacted])
  8. Proposal for a Permanent Mailing Address ([Redacted])


The members considered a request from Chris Coppeans, which had been introduced at the December business meeting, to consider the following proposal:

THAT the Outworlders should incorporate as outlined in the Georgia Code, including seeking a tax ID number, filing articles of incorporation, publicizing the incorporation, and paying applicable fees which should amount to $120; and THAT the name of the corporation put forth on the Articles of Incorporation shall be Outworlders, Inc.; and THAT the Board of Directors for the Outworlders, Inc. shall be the elected officers of the organization; and THAT the permanent mailing address listed in the Articles of Incorporation shall be the Secretary’s home address.

The proposal was adopted by a vote of 14 in favor, 0 opposed (1 vote was by absentee ballot).

Dr. Who Night

The members considered a request from Alan Siler, which had been introduced at the December business meeting, to consider the following proposal:

THAT, in honor of the second anniversary of Dr. Who Night, a popular OutWorlders event, $50 be allotted for food and drink at the February Dr. Who Night event.

The proposal was adopted by a vote of 13 in favor, 1 opposed (1 vote was by absentee ballot).

On behalf of the organization, Ed deGruy thanked Jeff Smith for his invaluable help in getting together the incorporation information and documents.

The January regular business meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. The next regular business meeting will be 16 February 2003 at 2 p.m. at the Atlanta Diner.

Respectfully submitted, Bil Boozer, Secretary